typehints -> None 或留空

typehints -> None or leave blank

使用python 3,可以选择使用类型提示。

我的问题是,如果一个函数 returns None,应该添加这个,还是留空。

def hint(p:str) -> None:

def no_hint(p:str):

哪个 PEP 解决了这个问题?

显式 并始终包含 -> None 用于 return None


这是因为,否则,对于不带参数的函数,类型检查器将假设您根本没有使用类型提示。例如,def foo(): 会变成 return None,还是根本就没有类型提示?

PEP 484 - Type Hints 间接解决了这个问题:

Note that the return type of __init__ ought to be annotated with -> None. The reason for this is subtle. If __init__ assumed a return annotation of -> None, would that mean that an argument-less, un-annotated __init__ method should still be type-checked? Rather than leaving this ambiguous or introducing an exception to the exception, we simply say that __init__ ought to have a return annotation; the default behavior is thus the same as for other methods.