如何在 AVPlayer 中打开数据而不是标准 url

How to open data instead standart url in AVPlayer

如何在 AVPlayer 中打开数据视频文件而不是标准 url?

let videoURL = URL(string: "https://example")

但是 URL 我只有

var dataTs : Data = Data()

我必须把它放在 AVPlayerController

let player = AVPlayer(url: videoURL!)
playerViewController.player = player

您不需要将数据写入临时文件。您可以改用命名管道。它与写入临时文件非常相似,只是它不需要任何存储空间 space 并且速度更快。

如果您不熟悉命名管道,它们并没有那么复杂。它们看起来和行为都像文件,但文件中的数据不是来自存储介质,而是来自另一个进程或线程。它们是通过一个简单的函数调用创建的,在 Swift:

mkfifo("foo", 0o666) // Note: 0o666 is Swift notation for octal values


一旦您的调度设置并等待,就像往常一样继续并传入一个指向您的命名管道的 URLAVPlayerAVPlayer 会认为它正在从文件中读取,但它实际上是从您的 dataTs 对象中读取数据。

您可以获得一个基本的工作版本,其中包含一个辅助函数,该函数实质上是将 Data 对象转换为 URL 以供一次性使用。这是一个 Swift 示例:

func setupNamedPipe(withData data: Data) -> URL?
    // Build a URL for a named pipe in the documents directory
    let fifoBaseName = "avpipe"
    let fifoUrl = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).last!.appendingPathComponent(fifoBaseName)

    // Ensure there aren't any remnants of the fifo from a previous run

    // Create the FIFO pipe
    if mkfifo(fifoUrl.path, 0o666) != 0
        print("Failed to create named pipe")
        return nil

    // Run the code to manage the pipe on a dispatch queue
        print("Waiting for somebody to read...")
        let fd = open(fifoUrl.path, O_WRONLY)
        if fd != -1
            print("Somebody is trying to read, writing data on the pipe")
            data.withUnsafeBytes { (bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) -> Void in
                let num = write(fd, bytes, data.count)
                if num != data.count
                    print("Write error")

            print("Closing the write side of the pipe")
            print("Failed to open named pipe for write")

        print("Cleaning up the named pipe")

    return fifoUrl


var dataTs : Data = Data() // ...your data...

if let videoURL = setupNamedPipe(withData: dataTs)
    let player = AVPlayer(url: videoURL)
    playerViewController.player = player

    // ...do stuff...