
Broken bubblesort program errors. UPDATED CODE


prog.c: In function 'main':
prog.c:24:22: warning: passing argument 1 of 'bubblesortname' from incompatible pointer type
prog.c:9:8: note: expected 'char **' but argument is of type 'char (*)[25]'
       void bubblesortname(char *fullname[], int *age, int size);

任何能得到这个的人都可以免费得到 cookie 运行 :) **

    #define SIZE 5
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    void input(char fullname[][25], int age[]);
    void output(char fullname[][25], int age[]);
    void bubblesortname(char fullname[][25], int *age, int size);
    void bubblesortage(char fullname[], int *age, int size);

    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
        char fullname[SIZE][25];
        int age[SIZE];

        // promt user for names and ages
        input(fullname, age);
        //output unsorted names and ages
        output(fullname, age);


        output(fullname, age);

        //sorts age
        output(fullname, age);

        return 0;

    void input(char fullname[][25], int age[]) 
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) 
            printf("Enter a full name\n");
            //scanf("%[\^n]\n", fullname[i]);
            fgets (fullname[i],40, stdin);
            printf("Enter the age\n");
            scanf("%d", &age[i]);


    void output(char fullname[][25], int age[]) 
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
            printf("%s, %d\n", fullname[i], age[i]);
    }//end function

    void bubblesortname(char fullname[][], int *age, int size)
         int temp_age;
          char* temp_name;
          int j,i;

          for (i = 0; i < SIZE - 1; ++i) 
            for (j = 0; i < SIZE - 1; ++j) 
              if (strcmp(fullname[j], fullname[j + 1]) > 0) 
                temp_age = age[i];
                age[j] = age[j + 1];
                age[j + 1] = temp_age;

                temp_name = fullname[j];
                fullname[j] = fullname[j + 1];
                fullname[j + 1] = temp_name;

                 }//end if

            }//end inner for

        }//end for

    }//end function

            bubblesortage(char fullname[][], int *age, int size) 
                int j,i;
                int temp_age;
                char* temp_name;
                char temp[25];
                    for (i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i) 
                         for (j = 0; j < size - 1; ++j) 
                                 if (age[j] > age[j + 1]) 
                                    strcpy(temp, fullname[<index1>]);
                                    strcpy(fullname[index1], fullname[index2]);
                                    strcpy(fullname[index2], temp);
                                    temp_age = age[j];
                                    age[j] = age[j + 1];
                                    age[j + 1] = temp_age;
                                    temp_name = fullname[j];
                                    fullname[j] = fullname[j + 1];
                                    fullname[j + 1] = temp_name;

                                    }// end inner for

                            }// end outer for

                        }// end function



void input(char fullname[25], int age[]);


void input(char fullname[][25], int age[]) 

void output(char fullname[25], int age[]);


void output(char fullname[][25], int age[])

void bubblesortname(char *fullname[][25], int *age, int size);


void bubblesortname(char *fullname[], int *age, int size)


void bubblesortage(char *fullname[], int *age, int size);

bubblesortage(char *fullname[], int *ages, int size)

两者都不匹配(注意缺失的 return 类型,默认为 int)。


接下来,您需要决定您想要排序的内容,或者 - 更具体地说 - 如果您认识到必须交换两个字符串,您想要移动哪些数据。

您最初设置数据结构的方式(一个大型二维数组)意味着您想要对全长的单个字符串进行排序,而不是对指向字符串的指针进行排序(这会更有效,因为您会仅交换两个指针而不是 2 x 26 字节)。

一个二维数组只是一个内存区域,由行 x 列 x sizeof(element) 组成,因此没有指向交换的指针,只有数据。


为此,您需要一个 26 字节(25 个字符 + 尾随 '[=19=]')的临时字段 bubblesortname() 函数:

char temp[25];


strcpy(temp, fullname[<index1>]);
strcpy(fullname[index1], fullname[index2]);
strcpy(fullname[index2], temp);


你自己解决这个问题,你就可以保留你的 cookies ;)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 5

void input (char fullname[][25], int age[]);
void output (char fullname[][25], int age[]);
void bubblesortname (char fullname[][25], int *age, int size);
void bubblesortage (char fullname[][25], int *age, int size);
void fflush_stdin();

int main (void)
    char fullname[SIZE][25];
    int age[SIZE];

    // promt user for names and ages
    input (fullname, age);

    //output unsorted names and ages
    printf ("\n input provided:\n\n");
    output (fullname, age);

    // sorts by name
    bubblesortname (fullname, age, SIZE);

    printf ("\n sorted by name:\n\n");
    output (fullname, age);

    //sorts age
    bubblesortage (fullname, age, SIZE);

    printf ("\n sorted by age:\n\n");
    output (fullname, age);

    return 0;

void input (char fullname[][25], int age[])
    int i = 0;
    size_t nchr = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        printf ("\nEnter a full name: ");
        if (fgets (fullname[i], 24, stdin) != NULL)
            nchr = strlen (fullname[i]);
            while (nchr > 0 && (fullname[i][nchr -1] == '\n' || fullname[i][nchr -1] == '\r'))
                fullname[i][--nchr] = 0;
        printf ("Enter the age    : ");
        scanf ("%d", &age[i]);

void output (char fullname[][25], int age[])
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
        printf (" %-30s, %d\n", fullname[i], age[i]);
}               //end function

void bubblesortname (char fullname[][25], int *age, int size)
    int j = 0, i = 0;
    int temp_age = 0;
    char temp_name[25] = {0};

    for (i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i) {
        // for (j = 0; i < size - 1; ++j) {
        for (j = 0; j < size - 1 - i; ++j) {
            if (strcmp (fullname[j], fullname[j + 1]) > 0) {
                temp_age = age[j + 1];
                age[j + 1] = age[j];
                age[j] = temp_age;

                strcpy (temp_name, fullname[j + 1]);
                strcpy (fullname[j + 1], fullname[j]);
                strcpy (fullname[j], temp_name);
            }           //end if
        }           //end inner for
    }               //end for
}               //end function

void bubblesortage (char fullname[][25], int *age, int size)
    int j = 0, i = 0;
    int temp_age = 0;
    char temp_name[25] = {0};

    for (i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i) {
        // for (j = 0; j < size - 1; ++j) {
        for (j = 0; j < size - 1 - i; ++j) {
            if (age[j] > age[j + 1]) {
                temp_age = age[j + 1];
                age[j + 1] = age[j];
                age[j] = temp_age;

                strcpy (temp_name, fullname[j + 1]);
                strcpy (fullname[j + 1], fullname[j]);
                strcpy (fullname[j], temp_name);
            }           // end inner for
        }           // end outer for
    }               // end function

void fflush_stdin()
{ int c; while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF); }


$ ./bin/freecookies

Enter a full name: George Carver
Enter the age    : 143

Enter a full name: Albert Einstein
Enter the age    : 115

Enter a full name: Ma Ferguson
Enter the age    : 131

Enter a full name: George Charles Butte
Enter the age    : 116

Enter a full name: Alexander Hamilton
Enter the age    : 277

 input provided:

 George Carver                 , 143
 Albert Einstein               , 115
 Ma Ferguson                   , 131
 George Charles Butte          , 116
 Alexander Hamilton            , 277

 sorted by name:

 Albert Einstein               , 115
 Alexander Hamilton            , 277
 George Carver                 , 143
 George Charles Butte          , 116
 Ma Ferguson                   , 131

 sorted by age:

 Albert Einstein               , 115
 George Charles Butte          , 116
 Ma Ferguson                   , 131
 George Carver                 , 143
 Alexander Hamilton            , 277

严重的是,您遇到的问题是 (1) 您在冒泡排序上的索引完全错误,(2) 您不能将字符串相互分配,您必须逐个复制字符串,以及 (3) fflush(stdin) 永远不会正确导致 未定义的行为