使用匿名类型从 Web API 调用生成不同的结果

Generating different results from Web API call using an Anonymous type

我正在尝试从 API 调用中找出 return 散点图数据的最佳方法。这是绘制所选员工分数的图表。

我的要求是调用者可以为每个轴指定多个分数之一,命名结果分数、attributeId 分数或 domainId 分数。

因此 returned 结果总共有 30 种可能性。

API 通话:

public ActionResult Scatterplot([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] ScatterplotAxis axis)


public class ScatterplotAxis
    public Axis XAxis { get; set; }
    public Axis YAxis { get; set; }

public class Axis
    public int? TeamId { get; set; }  // optional
    public string NamedScore { get; set; }
    public int? AttributeId { get; set; }
    public int? DomainId { get; set; }


  "xAxis": {
    "teamId": 1362,
    "namedScore": "NamedScore2",
    "attributeId": null,
    "domainId": null
  "yAxis": {
    "teamId": 1362,
    "namedScore": "",
    "attributeId": 35,
    "domainId": 0


我的问题是我试图从已发布的 json 中获取已选择的内容并调整结果:


 var employees = ... // omitted for brevity
 // get employees and filter by teamId if it is supplied...

 var xAxisSelection = FindAxisSelection(axis.XAxis);
 var yAxisSelection = FindAxisSelection(axis.YAxis);

 if (xAxisSelection == "NotFound" || yAxisSelection == "NotFound")
     return BadRequest("Axis Selection not Found");

        // e.g. would have to do something like this for all 30 combinations using if/else
        // if(xAxisSelection == "NamedScore2" && yAxisSelection == "Attribute")

        var results = employees.Select(e => new
            Id = e.Id,
            FullName = e.FullName,
            TeamName = e.MemberTeams.FirstOrDefault() == null ? "" : e.MemberTeams.FirstOrDefault().Name,

            // how to do this for all combinations???
            XAxis = e.NamedScores.NamedResult2,  
            YAxis = e.AttributeResults.Where(a => a.AttributeId == axis.YAxis).Score

        return Ok(results);

    private string FindAxisSelection(Axis axis)
        if (axis.AttributeId != null || axis.AttributeId > 0)
            return "Attribute";
        else if(axis.DomainId != null || axis.DomainId > 0)
            return "Domain";
        else if(axis.NamedScore == "NamedScore1")
            return "NamedScore1";
        else if (axis.NamedScore == "NamedScore2")
            return "NamedScore2";
        else if (axis.NamedScore == "NamedScore3")
            return "NamedScore3";
        else if (axis.NamedScore == "NamedScore4")
            return "NamedScore4";

        return "NotFound";

所以我的问题是关于生成结果。我真的不想对 30 种组合中的每一种都使用大量的 if else 语句块。我应该使用什么设计模式来使它更清洁、更高效。

我认为最好使用匿名类型,这样我就不必为 30 种组合中的每一种都创建具体的类型?




请求的示例让您了解如何避免多个 if 条件:-

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        new AllSteps().Process(1);
    public interface IStep
        void Process(int x);
    public class StepOne:IStep
        public void Process(int x)
            // do something with x
    public class StepTwo:IStep
        public void Process(int x)
            // do something with x
    public class AllSteps:IStep
        readonly List<IStep> steps= new List<IStep>();

        public AllSteps()
            this.steps.Add(new StepOne());
            this.steps.Add(new StepTwo());


        public void Process(int x)