在 Alexa 中处理 Null

Handling Null in Alexa

我为 Alexa 提交了一项技能,但我从亚马逊团队收到了以下错误:

Issue: [StateIntent] Intent, [State] slot

Steps To Reproduce:

User: "Alexa open states symbols"
Skill: "Welcome to state symbols. Give me the name of a state and I will give you symbols used by the state. You can also say random before the state to get a random symbol or ask for specific information for a symbol for a state. I have information about state dog, state flower, state motto, state song, state tree, state bird and state mineral"
User: "tell me about {}"
Skill: "There was a problem with the requested skill's response"

换句话说,我不处理插槽为空的情况。我尝试了几种不同的方法来解决代码中的 null 但所有方法都返回相同的错误 我该如何解决这个问题?这是代码的示例部分。

  function   handleStateResponse(intent, session, callback){
    var state = intent.slots.State.value.toLowerCase(  );
    if (!states[state]){
      var speechOutput= `I couldn't find that state would you like to ask about another state?`;
      var repromptText = `Please try again`;
      var header =`not found`;
      var state_dog = states[state].state_dog;
      speechOutput = `${capitalizeFirst(state)}'s state dog is the ${state_dog}`;
      repromptText = `Would you like to learn about another state?`;
      header  =capitalizeFirst(state);
    var shouldEndSession=false;
    callback(session.attributes, buildSpeechletResponse(header, speechOutput, repromptText, shouldEndSession));

要事第一。如果您还没有记录传入的请求,您应该这样做。它包括对请求有价值的信息(即意图、槽、ID……)。 Here您可以看到不同请求类型的结构。

好的,回到您的用户场景,用户将插槽留空。换句话说,Alexa 向您的 lambda 函数发送了一个 request 和一个空槽。看起来像这样。

  "type": "IntentRequest",
  "intent": {
    "name": "StateIntent",
    "confirmationStatus": "NONE",
    "slots": {
      "State": {
        "name": "State",
        "confirmationStatus": "NONE"

当 Alexa 发送带有空槽的请求时,它不会在您的 'State'-object 中包含 value 成员。

所以要对此进行测试。您只需添加一个 if 子句。

if (intent.slots.State.value) {
// *Here you can check if the value is right or just continue with the state_dog part*
else {
// *Here you can prepare the callback params for 'empty slot'*
