Return 更具体 objects 来自 Swift 中的数据模型

Return more concrete objects from Data Model in Swift

我正在开发一个从 Firebase 获取数据的应用程序。我将向您展示的代码工作得很好,但即使作为菜鸟,我 也知道 实施应该更好。我真的不知道如何重构它。

这里是 TLDR:


但是,除了标题和摘要的字符串外,我的帖子还包含图像的 URL 和日期(post 日期)。

我希望能够从我的 BlogPost return object 更具体的对象,例如已经创建的 URL 或日期 object。


这是我的 BlogPost 数据模型的实现:

import Foundation
import FirebaseDatabase

struct BlogPost {
    let key: String
    let title: String
    let body: String
    let summary: String
    let author: String?
    let liveSince: Date
    let featuredImageLink: URL? 
    let itemReference:DatabaseReference?

    init(snapshot: DataSnapshot) {

        let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()

        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"

        key = snapshot.key
        itemReference = snapshot.ref

        if let snapshotDictionary = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary, let postTitle = snapshotDictionary["Title"] as? String {
            title = postTitle
        } else {
            title = "Cannot display Title for this item :("

        if let snapshotDictionary = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary, let postBody = snapshotDictionary["Body"] as? String {
            body = postBody
        } else {

            body = "Cannot display Body for this item :("
        if let snapshotDictionary = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary, let postSummary = snapshotDictionary["Summary"] as? String {
            summary = postSummary
        } else {
            summary = "Due to some weird error, the Summary for this item cannot be displayed. Insert more coffee and Pizza in developer"

        if let snapshotDictionary = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary, let postAuthor = snapshotDictionary["Author"] as? String {
            author = postAuthor
        } else {
            author = "Nobody wrote this :("
        if let snapshotDictionary = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary, let postImageLink = snapshotDictionary["FeaturedImage"] as? String {

            featuredImageLink = URL(string: postImageLink)!

        } else {

            featuredImageLink = URL(string:"https://someimagelink")!

        if let snapshotDictionary = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary, let liveDate = snapshotDictionary["LiveSince"] as? String {

            if let live = liveDate)  {

                liveSince = live

            } else {

                liveSince = "1990-06-26")!


        } else {

                liveSince = "1990-06-26")!





我有一些建议。看起来您在将 snapshsot.value 转换为 NSDictionary 时继续使用条件绑定来展开它。既然解包这个值是解包其他值的先决条件,为什么不使用 guard 语句来解包呢?在你的 guard 语句中,你可以默认初始化结构中的所有属性。或者,如果你不坚持默认初始化你的属性,你可以只使用一个可失败的初始化器,并在 guard 语句中只使用 return nil。

guard let snapshotDictionary = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary else { 
    title = "Cannot display Title for this item :("
    body = "Cannot display Body for this item :("
    summary = "Due to some weird error, the Summary for this item cannot be 
    displayed. Insert more coffee and Pizza in developer"