如何使用 martyjs 容器?

How to work with martyjs container?

我刚开始使用 martyjs,我面临的问题是我无法从 Marty 组件容器中渲染 React 组件。 Store 似乎可以工作,但是 martyjs 组件容器在 Store 更改后不会更改。我需要一些关于应该在 console.log 中编写什么才能使此代码正常工作的指导。


var CardStore = Marty.createStore({
id: "CardStore",
handlers: {
    change: AppConstants.CARD_CHANGE,
    ratingReceive: AppConstants.RATING_RECEIVE
getInitialState: function () {
    return { pid: '', card:{pid:''}};

get: function(){
    console.log('GET', this.state);
    return this.state;

change: function (pid) {
    console.log("STORE FETCH- WORKED", pid);
    this.state.pid = pid;
    return this.fetch({
        id: pid,
        remotely: function () {
            return RatingHttpAPI.get(pid);

ratingReceive: function (rating) {
    console.log("STORE CHANGES - WORKED", rating.pid);


var RatingHttpAPI = Marty.createStateSource({
type: "http",
id: "RatingHttpAPI",

get: function (pid) {
    console.log("API GET", pid);
    return this.post({url: res.url.rating.list, body: Model.addAntiForgery({pid: pid})})
        .then(function (response) {
            console.log("API RECEIVE -WORKED", pid);


var CardActionCreators = Marty.createActionCreators({
id: "CardActionCreators",
change: function (pid) {
    this.dispatch(AppConstants.CARD_CHANGE, pid);
ratingReceive: function(rating){
    this.dispatch(AppConstants.RATING_RECEIVE, rating);

var Row2RightCol = React.createClass({
render: function () {
    var props = this.props;
    console.log("RENDER-FIRED ONCE ON LOAD",props);
    return (
Marty.createContainer(Row2RightCol, {
listenTo: CardStore,
fetch() {
    console.log("CONTAINER FETCH-NOT FIRED");
    return {
        card: CardStore.for(this).get()

$(document).ready(function () {
    React.render(<Row2RightCol/>, $("#card .row:eq(1) .col-right")[0]);


没有使用过 Marty,但是 Marty.createContainer() return 是一个新的 React 组件,它包装了您的 Row2RightCol 组件并添加了绑定。您应该保存 Marty.createContainer() 的 return 值并使用它而不是直接使用 Row2RightCol

检查 Flux 比较 repo https://github.com/voronianski/flux-comparison 它有 Marty.js 示例。