
Security Group and Subnet Belongs to different networks

我正在创建一个基本的 AWS CloudFormation 模板,其中包含一个 VPC、3 个安全组和 5 个 EC2 实例,我的安全组看起来像这样 -

  "WebApplicationServerSG": {
    "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup",
    "Properties": {
      "VpcId": {
        "Ref": "DevVpc"
      "GroupDescription": "Enable HTTP, HTTPS and SSH access",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "Name",
          "Value": "WebApplicationServer Service Group"
      "SecurityGroupIngress": [
          "IpProtocol": "tcp",
          "FromPort": "443",
          "ToPort": "443",
          "CidrIp": ""
          "IpProtocol": "tcp",
          "FromPort": "80",
          "ToPort": "80",
          "CidrIp": ""
          "IpProtocol": "tcp",
          "FromPort": "22",
          "ToPort": "22",
          "CidrIp": ""
      "SecurityGroupEgress": [
          "IpProtocol": "tcp",
          "FromPort": "443",
          "ToPort": "443",
          "CidrIp": ""
          "IpProtocol": "tcp",
          "FromPort": "80",
          "ToPort": "80",
          "CidrIp": ""
          "IpProtocol": "tcp",
          "FromPort": "22",
          "ToPort": "22",
          "CidrIp": ""
    "Metadata": {
      "AWS::CloudFormation::Designer": {
        "id": "a7977f00-48d6-488f-9e23-9bcd0785d399"

VPC 如下所示 -

  "DevVpc": {
    "Type": "AWS::EC2::VPC",
    "Properties": {
      "CidrBlock": "",
      "EnableDnsSupport": "false",
      "EnableDnsHostnames": "false",
      "InstanceTenancy": "dedicated",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "Name",
          "Value": "DevStackVpc"

我在使用模板创建堆栈时遇到错误 -

Security group sg-31f91b5a and subnet subnet-ea0aa3a7 belong to different networks.

11:13:01 UTC+0550   CREATE_FAILED   AWS::EC2::Instance  WebApplicationServer    Security group sg-5147a53a and subnet subnet-ea0aa3a7 belong to different networks.

这里是 gist 完整模板,如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激。

我通过评论中提供的指针解决了上述问题, subnet VPCSecurity-GroupsEC2 实例之间的关系如下 -

得到并应该创建的第一件事是VPC 第二个是 Subnet 这里你提到你之前创建的 VpcId 3rd 你创建 security groups 在这里你提到了你之前创建的 VpcId 。 4th 有一个 属性 NetworkInterfaces ,你在其中提供 SubnetIdGroupSet 这是一个安全组 ID 数组,这是你定义安全组与 vpc 之间关系的地方和子网,这就是解决问题的方法。

下面是实际工作的示例模板 -

"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Parameters": {
    "DevServerKeyPair": {
        "Description": "Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instance",
        "Type": "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName",
        "ConstraintDescription": "Must be the name of an existing EC2 KeyPair."
"Resources": {
    "DevVpc": {
        "Type": "AWS::EC2::VPC",
        "Properties": {
            "CidrBlock": "",
            "EnableDnsSupport": "false",
            "EnableDnsHostnames": "false",
            "InstanceTenancy": "dedicated",
            "Tags": [
                    "Key": "Name",
                    "Value": "DevStackVpc"
    "DevSubnet": {
        "Type": "AWS::EC2::Subnet",
        "Properties": {
            "VpcId": {
                "Ref": "DevVpc"
            "CidrBlock": "",
            "AvailabilityZone": {
                "Fn::Select": [
                        "Fn::GetAZs": ""
    "WebApplicationServerSG": {
        "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup",
        "Properties": {
            "VpcId": {
                "Ref": "DevVpc"
            "GroupDescription": "Enable HTTP, HTTPS and SSH access",
            "Tags": [
                    "Key": "Name",
                    "Value": "WebApplicationServer Service Group"
            "SecurityGroupIngress": [
                    "IpProtocol": "tcp",
                    "FromPort": "443",
                    "ToPort": "443",
                    "CidrIp": ""
                    "IpProtocol": "tcp",
                    "FromPort": "80",
                    "ToPort": "80",
                    "CidrIp": ""
                    "IpProtocol": "tcp",
                    "FromPort": "22",
                    "ToPort": "22",
                    "CidrIp": ""
            "SecurityGroupEgress": [
                    "IpProtocol": "tcp",
                    "FromPort": "443",
                    "ToPort": "443",
                    "CidrIp": ""
                    "IpProtocol": "tcp",
                    "FromPort": "80",
                    "ToPort": "80",
                    "CidrIp": ""
                    "IpProtocol": "tcp",
                    "FromPort": "22",
                    "ToPort": "22",
                    "CidrIp": ""
    "WebApplicationServer": {
        "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
        "Properties": {
            "ImageId": "ami-f3e5aa9c",
            "InstanceType": "t2.micro",
            "Tags": [
                    "Key": "Name",
                    "Value": "WebApplicationServer"
            "KeyName": {
                "Ref": "DevServerKeyPair"
            "NetworkInterfaces": [
                    "SubnetId": {"Ref": "DevSubnet"},
                    "AssociatePublicIpAddress": "true",
                    "DeviceIndex": "0",
                    "GroupSet": [{ "Ref" : "WebApplicationServerSG" }]


如果有人使用 Terraform 来到这里,我会收到类似的错误消息,最终发生的情况如下:

variable "name" {}

locals {
  vpc_id    = "..."
  subnet_id = "..."

resource "aws_instance" "web" {
  ami                         = "ami-09def150731bdbcc2"
  instance_type               = "t3.micro"
  vpc_security_group_ids      = ["${aws_security_group.allow_http.id}"]

  user_data = <<-EOF
    sudo amazon-linux-extras install nginx1.12 -y
    sudo nginx

  tags {
    Name = "${var.name}"

resource "aws_security_group" "allow_http" {
  description = "Allow inbound HTTP traffic for ${var.name} instance"
  vpc_id      = "${local.vpc_id}"

  ingress {
    from_port   = 80
    to_port     = 80
    protocol    = "TCP"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

  egress {
    from_port   = 0
    to_port     = 0
    protocol    = "-1"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

我部署到的子网没有启用 auto assign public IPs。因此,我更新了 aws_instance 以包含 subnet_idassociate_public_ip_address:

resource "aws_instance" "web" {
  ami                         = "ami-09def150731bdbcc2"
  instance_type               = "t3.micro"
  subnet_id                   = "${local.subnet_id}"
  vpc_security_group_ids      = ["${aws_security_group.allow_http.id}"]
  associate_public_ip_address = true

  user_data = <<-EOF
    sudo amazon-linux-extras install nginx1.12 -y
    sudo nginx

  tags {
    Name = "${var.name}"


您尝试使用的安全组有问题!当您使用模板创建一个时,它使用默认的 VPC。 在创建安全组的CLoudFormation 模板上,您需要确定您喜欢使用的VpcId (NON-Default),这将解决问题。或者您可以使用 (NON-Default)VPC 手动创建新的安全组,然后 运行 个新实例。