如何在 Laravel 5.1 使用非 laravel 包

How to use non-laravel package at Laravel 5.1

我用 Laravel 5.1 我们用 Stripe 但现在我需要换成 checkout.com Checkout.com 有一个 php 图书馆:https://github.com/checkout/checkout-php-library

我想在我的应用程序中实施。首先我 运行 :

composer require checkout/checkout-php-api

所以我安装了库,库在 vendor/checkout 文件夹中

我使用 OrderController 并创建 public 功能结帐:

require_once 'vendor\checkout\checkout-php-library\autoload.php';

use com\checkout;

class OrdersController extends Controller

     * Display a listing of the resource.
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function payment() {

  return view('front.checkout');


public function checkout(Request $request) {

  $data = $request->all();

$apiClient = new ApiClient('sk_test_aaaaaa-5116-999-9270-999999999');
// create a charge serive
$charge = $apiClient->chargeService();

try {
    /**  @var ResponseModels\Charge  $ChargeRespons **/
    $ChargeResponse = $charge->verifyCharge($data['cko-card-token']);

} catch (com\checkout\helpers\ApiHttpClientCustomException $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception Message: ',  $e->getErrorMessage(), "\n";
    echo 'Caught exception Error Code: ',  $e->getErrorCode(), "\n";
    echo 'Caught exception Event id: ',  $e->getEventId(), "\n";


现在,当我发出 POST 请求时,我得到:

FatalErrorException in OrdersController.php line 26: main(): Failed opening required 'vendor\checkout\checkout-php-library\autoload.php' (include_path='.;C:\php\pear')

如何将这个库集成到我的 Laravel 项目中?

更新: 在前端我有这个代码:

<script src="https://cdn.checkout.com/js/frames.js"></script>
  <form id="payment-form" method="POST" action="{{url()}}/checkout">
  {!! csrf_field() !!}

    <div class="frames-container">
      <!-- form will be added here -->
    <!-- add submit button -->
    <button id="pay-now-button" type="submit" disabled>Pay now</button>

    var paymentForm = document.getElementById('payment-form');
    var payNowButton = document.getElementById('pay-now-button');

      publicKey: 'pk_test_aaaaaaaaa-000-41d9-9999-999999999',
      containerSelector: '.frames-container',
      customerName: 'John Smith',
      billingDetails: {
        addressLine1: '623 Slade Street',
        addressLine2: 'Apartment 8',
        postcode: '31313',
        email: 'asd@asd.asd',
        country: 'US',
        city: 'Hinesville',
        phone: { number: '9125084652' }
      cardValidationChanged: function () {
        // if all fields contain valid information, the Pay now
        // button will be enabled and the form can be submitted
        payNowButton.disabled = !Frames.isCardValid();
      cardSubmitted: function () {
        payNowButton.disabled = true;
        // display loader
    paymentForm.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
        .then(function (data) {
          Frames.addCardToken(paymentForm, data.cardToken);
        .catch(function (err) {
          // catch the error


将库添加到您的项目后,包含在库的根目录中找到的文件 autoload.php。

include 'checkout-php-api/autoload.php';

不要使用 include_once 包含包。

  1. 因为当您需要在应用程序的其他部分使用它时,它会变得超级混乱。

  2. 将 API 密钥放在源代码中是个坏主意。该密钥可能会留在您的 Git 中,或者会出现在您不希望它被发现的地方。另外,假设您的密钥已更改,您将不得不去寻找源代码中使用该密钥的所有部分来替换它。

阅读有关服务提供商 https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/providers 的信息,您可以在其中为 checkout/checkout-php-api 创建一个 'wrapper',您将能够在整个 Laravel 应用程序中使用它:


use AleksPer\Checkout\CheckoutAPI;

public function checkout(Request $request)
   $data = $request->all();

   * There's no need to inject the API key here,
   * Assuming it is injected when the library is bootstrapped.
   $apiClient = new CheckoutAPI();
   $charge = $apiClient->chargeService();

或者,如果 registered/bootstrapped checkout-php-api 作为单例,您可以在整个应用程序中将其引用为 app('checkoutApi');,并让您创建的服务提供商注入所需的参数,这让我想到了我的下一点:

将您的密钥放在项目的 .env 中,例如




  • 'creating composer packages'
  • 'creating laravel packages'
  • 'create api wrapper laravel'
