如何使用 Puppeteer 获取请求的原始下载大小?

How can I get the raw download size of a request using Puppeteer?

即所有资源(包括 video/media)下载的数据总量,类似于 Chrome DevTools 的网络选项卡返回的数据。

截至 2018 年 1 月,似乎没有任何方法可以处理所有资源类型(侦听 response 事件 fails for videos),并且可以正确计算压缩资源.

最好的解决方法似乎是监听 Network.dataReceived 事件,然后手动处理该事件:

const resources = {};
page._client.on('Network.dataReceived', (event) => {
  const request = page._networkManager._requestIdToRequest.get(
  if (request && request.url().startsWith('data:')) {
  const url = request.url();
  // encodedDataLength is supposed to be the amount of data received
  // over the wire, but it's often 0, so just use dataLength for consistency.
  // https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Network/#event-dataReceived
  // const length = event.encodedDataLength > 0 ?
  //     event.encodedDataLength : event.dataLength;
  const length = event.dataLength;
  if (url in resources) {
    resources[url] += length;
  } else {
    resources[url] = length;

// page.goto(...), etc.

// totalCompressedBytes is unavailable; see comment above
const totalUncompressedBytes = Object.values(resources).reduce((a, n) => a + n, 0);
const imgaes_width = await page.$$eval('img', anchors => [].map.call(anchors, img => img.width));
const imgaes_height = await page.$$eval('img', anchors => [].map.call(anchors, img => img.height));

如果您使用的是 puppeteer,那么您有服务器端节点...为什么不通过流或流来传输请求,然后计算内容大小?


您可能还想调用 page.waitForNavigation,因为您可能正在处理异步计时问题


page._networkManager -> 页面。_frameManager._networkManager


const resources = {};
page._client.on('Network.dataReceived', (event) => {
  const request = page._frameManager._networkManager._requestIdToRequest.get(
  if (request && request.url().startsWith('data:')) {
  const url = request.url();
  const length = event.dataLength;
  if (url in resources) {
    resources[url] += length;
  } else {
    resources[url] = length;

await page.goto('

const totalUncompressedBytes = Object.values(resources).reduce((a, n) => a + n, 0);