如果我的 Google Developers Console 上没有任何项目,我会被收费吗?

Will I be billed if I do not have any projects on my Google Developers Console?

我刚刚收到来自 Google Cloud Storage 团队的电子邮件,其中指出:

Hello Google Cloud Storage User,

Please be advised that, beginning July 14, 2015, Google will begin charging the following fees for Google Cloud Storage:

  • [=11=].01 per GB of data transferred between buckets located in different regions of the same continent
  • Egress rates per GB of data transferred between buckets located on different continents

Until then, you will be able to view your current usage in the billing details for your project in order to help you estimate the impact of these changes on your monthly spend.

For additional information and examples of this billing charge, please visit https://cloud.google.com/storage/pricing#network-regions

-- The Google Cloud Storage Team

Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

You have received this mandatory service announcement to update you about important changes to Google Cloud Platform or your account.

我只想知道,如果我的 Google Developers Console 中没有任何项目,是否会向我收费?



您只需按使用量付费,因此您可以拥有 100 个项目,如果您什么都不做,那么您将无需支付任何费用。

"project pending deletion"一删除就会消失,大概是请求后7天,不用担心。