
Write to the cell next to a checkbox when that checkbox is checked

我在 excel 中有一个待办事项列表。当一个复选框被选中时,一个宏是 运行,它选择一个特定的单元格并将值添加到该单元格的偏移量。问题是我有 600 个复选框,它们都需要自己的代码来引用正确的单元格。

private sub checkbox1_click ()
Range ("I2").offset(0,3).value= "hello world"
Sub end 


Range ("location of checkbox I just checked").offset(0,3).value= "hello world"

如果您使用 ActiveX 控件复选框而不是表单控件,这会更容易。

使用 ActiveX 控件复选框,您可以将对象作为 Me 的一部分引用,它指向工作 sheet 本身并使用如下内容:

Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()

    If Me.CheckBox1.Value = True Then

        Me.CheckBox1.TopLeftCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = "hello world"

    End If

End Sub

如果您不能使用 ActiveX 控件,请告诉我,我可以调整我的答案。请注意,您还可以通过查看 .


在 PeterT 的回答中,您还可以看到如何使用 Class 模块来避免每个复选框都有一个宏的问题。在这里,我复制了答案的相关部分:

[...] Create a class module that you can instantiate for any number of CheckBoxes.

Code for Class module MyCheckBoxClass

Dim WithEvents cbControl As MSForms.CheckBox

Private controlName As String

Public Sub cbControl_Click()
    Debug.Print controlName & " is now " & cbControl.Value
    If cbControl.Value = True Then
        Range("CheckBoxCount") = Range("CheckBoxCount") + 1  'choose to store on the sheet
        groupCheckBoxCount = groupCheckBoxCount + 1          'or in a variable
        Range("CheckBoxCount") = Range("CheckBoxCount") - 1
        groupCheckBoxCount = groupCheckBoxCount - 1
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub Attach(newCB As MSForms.CheckBox, newName As String)
    Set cbControl = newCB
    controlName = newName
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    controlName = ""
End Sub

Code in a regular code module:

Public groupClickCount As Integer
Private cbCollection As Collection

Public Sub SetUpControlsOnce()
    Dim thisCB As MyCheckBoxClass
    Dim ctl As OLEObject
    Dim cbControl As MSForms.CheckBox

    If cbCollection Is Nothing Then
        Set cbCollection = New Collection
    End If

    For Each ctl In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects
        If TypeName(ctl.Object) = "CheckBox" Then
            '--- this is an ActiveX CheckBox
            Set thisCB = New MyCheckBoxClass
            thisCB.Attach ctl.Object, ctl.name
            cbCollection.Add thisCB
        End If
    Next ctl
End Sub

当然,您必须将 "Sheet1" 替换为适合您的 sheet 和

If cbControl.Value = True Then
    Range("CheckBoxCount") = Range("CheckBoxCount") + 1  'choose to store on the sheet
    groupCheckBoxCount = groupCheckBoxCount + 1          'or in a variable
    Range("CheckBoxCount") = Range("CheckBoxCount") - 1
    groupCheckBoxCount = groupCheckBoxCount - 1
End If

If cbControl.Value = True Then

    cbControl.TopLeftCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = "hello world"

End If

最后,我建议 运行 在打开工作簿时将 SetUpControlsOnce 宏包含在工作簿对象 (Thisworkbook) 的打开事件中。即:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Call SetUpControlsOnce
End Sub