Pebble 配置页面通信无响应

Pebble configuration page communications not responding





static void inbox_received_callback(DictionaryIterator *iterator, void *context) {
              APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Message received!");

              // Get the first pair
              Tuple *t = dict_read_first(iterator);

              //Long lived buffers
              static char title_buffer[64];
              static char message_buffer[124];

              // Process all pairs present
              while(t != NULL) {
                // Process this pair's key
                switch (t->key) {
                  case TITLE_DATA:
                    snprintf(title_buffer, sizeof(title_buffer), "%s", t->value->cstring);
                    text_layer_set_text(title_layer, title_buffer);
                    APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "TITLE_DATA received with value %d", (int)t->value->int32);
                  case MESSAGE_DATA:
                    snprintf(message_buffer, sizeof(message_buffer), "%s", t->value->cstring);
                    text_layer_set_text(message_layer, message_buffer);
                    APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "MESSAGE_DATA received with value %d", (int)t->value->int32);

                // Get next pair, if any
                t = dict_read_next(iterator);


var title = localStorage.getItem('title') ? localStorage.getItem('title') : 'Title',
        message = localStorage.getItem('message') ? localStorage.getItem('message') : "Message that can be changed in watchface 'Settings'";

        Pebble.addEventListener('showConfiguration', function(e) {
          console.log("Showing configuration");
          // Show config page

        Pebble.addEventListener('webviewclosed', function(e) {
          var options = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(e.response));
          title = encodeURIComponent(options.title);
          message = encodeURIComponent(options.message);

          if(title == 'undefined') {
            title = 'Title';
          } if (message == 'undefined') {
            message = "Message that can be changed in watchface 'Settings'";

          localStorage.setItem('title', title);
          localStorage.setItem('message', message);

          console.log("Configuration window returned: ", JSON.stringify(options));

        Pebble.addEventListener('ready', function(e) {
          console.log("PebbleKit JS Ready!");

          //Construct a dictionary

 dict = {
            'TITLE_DATA' : title,
            'MESSAGE_DATA' : message

      //Send a string to Pebble
      Pebble.sendAppMessage(dict, function(e) {
        console.log("Send successful.");
      }, function(e) {
        console.log("Send failed!");


        <input type="text" name="title" id="title"></input>
        <input type="text" name="message" id="message"></input>  
        <input type="submit" id="cancelButton" value="Cancel">
        <input type="submit" id="saveButton" value="Save">

        $('#cancelButton').click(function() {
            location.href = 'pebblejs://close';

        $('#saveButton').click(function() {
            var options = {
                title: $('title').val(),
                message: $('#message').val()

            location.href = 'pebblejs://close#' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(options));

        function getURLVariable(name)  {
            name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\]");
            var regexS = "[\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)",
                regex = new RegExp(regexS),
                results = regex.exec(window.location.href);
            if (results == null) return "";
            else return results[1];
        $(document).ready(function() {
            var priorTitle = getURLVariable('title');
            priorTitle = decodeURI(priorTitle);

            if (priorTitle) {

            var priorMessage = getURLVariable('message');
            priorMessage = decodeURI(priorTitle);

            if (priorMessage) {

如果有人知道为什么这没有按预期工作,我将不胜感激 :) 如果还有任何其他细节我应该包括,请告诉我。

我正在使用 CloudPebble 进行开发。我已经在设置中完成了标题和消息键,并在我的 main.c 中定义了它们,所以不是那样。

我应该注意的是,在应用程序日志中它显示 "TITLE_DATA received with value....." 而不是 "MESSAGE_DATA received...." 所以问题可能出在那边。

您在函数内声明 "long lived buffers":

static void inbox_received_callback(DictionaryIterator *iterator, void *context) {
    //Long lived buffers
    static char title_buffer[64];
    static char message_buffer[124];


static Window *s_main_window;
static char title_buffer[64];
static char message_buffer[124];