使用 swift 和市场查找附近的酒吧

Find nearby bars using swift and market

我有这段代码,我想将从 MKLocalSearch 中获取的位置保存在一个数组中,以便以后使用它们。你知道我该怎么做吗?

func searchForBarsAndRestaurants(searchFor: String){
    let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
    request.naturalLanguageQuery = typeOfPlace   //or whatever you're searching for

    request.region = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(location.coordinate, 300, 300)

    let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
    search.start { response, error in
        guard let response = response
        else {
            print("There was an error searching for: \(String(describing: request.naturalLanguageQuery)) error: \(String(describing: error))")

        print("There are \(response.mapItems.count)" , searchFor)
        for item in response.mapItems {
            // You may be able to match the address to what the geoCode gives you
            // or present the user with a list of options
            print("\(String(describing: item.name))")
            var totalDistances: Array<Double> = Array()
            let distance = self.location.distance(from: item.placemark.location!)
            totalDistances += [distance]
            print("distance is " ,distance)



let sharedNetworkManager = NetworkManager(baseURL: API.baseURL)

class NetworkManager {

    // MARK: - Properties

    let baseURL: URL

    // Initialization

    init(baseURL: URL) {
        self.baseURL = baseURL


您需要将 totalDistances 定义为 Class 属性。

var totalDistances: Array<Double> = Array()

func searchForBarsAndRestaurants(searchFor: String){
    let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
    request.naturalLanguageQuery = typeOfPlace   //or whatever you're searching for

    request.region = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(location.coordinate, 300, 300)

    let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
    search.start { response, error in
        guard let response = response
        else {
            print("There was an error searching for: \(String(describing: request.naturalLanguageQuery)) error: \(String(describing: error))")

        print("There are \(response.mapItems.count)" , searchFor)
        for item in response.mapItems {
            // You may be able to match the address to what the geoCode gives you
            // or present the user with a list of options
            print("\(String(describing: item.name))")
            let distance = self.location.distance(from: item.placemark.location!)
            self.totalDistances += [distance]
            print("distance is " ,distance)