如何销毁 aws SAM Local lambda?

How do I destroy a aws SAM Local lambda?


# AWS SAM Hello World Example #

A simple AWS SAM template that specifies a single Lambda function.

## Usage ##

To create and deploy the SAM Hello World example, first ensure that you've met the requirements described in the [root README](../../README.md). Then
follow the steps below.

### Test your application locally ###

Use [SAM Local](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sam-local) to run your Lambda function locally:

    sam local invoke "HelloWorldFunction" -e event.json

### Package artifacts ###

Run the following command, replacing `BUCKET-NAME` with the name of your bucket:

    sam package --template-file template.yaml --s3-bucket BUCKET-NAME --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml

This creates a new template file, packaged-template.yaml, that you will use to deploy your serverless application.

### Deploy to AWS CloudFormation ###

Run the following command, replacing `MY-NEW-STACK` with a name for your CloudFormation stack.

    sam deploy --template-file packaged-template.yaml --stack-name MY-NEW-STACK --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

This uploads your template to an S3 bucket and deploys the specified resources using AWS CloudFormation.

现在删除整个堆栈(包括 s3 存储桶和 CF 堆栈)的 sam local 命令是什么?

目前没有删除所有这些资源的 sam 命令。您只需使用相关的 aws cli 命令,无论如何 sam-cli 只是一个包装器。删除 CFN 堆栈的示例。

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name MY-NEW-STACK