我可以在 std::list 内移动元素而不会使迭代器或引用失效,但是怎么做呢?

I can move elements within the std::list without invalidating iterators nor references, but how?

来自cppreference article on std::list:

Addition, removal and moving the elements within the list or across several lists does not invalidate the iterators or references. An iterator is invalidated only when the corresponding element is deleted.

事实上,在对元素进行排序时就是这种情况。来自 cppreference article on std::list::sort:

This function also differs from std::sort in that it does not require the element type of the list to be swappable, preserves the values of all iterators, and performs a stable sort.



std::list<int> l({1, 2, 3, 4});
auto it = l.begin(), jt = ++l.begin();

现在 it 指向 1jt 指向 2。我可以重新排序此列表,以便 2 排在 1 之前,但 it 仍指向 1 吗?


std::swap(*it, *jt);

但是,虽然 2 会出现在 1 之前,但我不会保留迭代器的值,因为显然 it 将指向 2



std::list<int> l({2, 1, 3, 4, 5});
auto it = l.begin(), jt = ++l.begin();

现在 it 指向 2jt 指向 1

std::list::sort 具有我正在寻找的语义:


现在列表的顺序是:1, 2, 3, 4, 5,但是 it 仍然指向 2jt 仍然指向 1

另一方面,std::swap(it, jt)std::swap(*it, *jt) 都没有我想要的语义。调用它们中的任何一个都会使 it 指向 1jt 指向 2。 (ideone proof)




std::swap(*it, *jt);
std::swap(it, jt);

But how may I arbitrarily swap the positions of two elements while preserving the values of all iterators?

按照@cpplearner 的建议,使用.splice()



std::list<int> list{1,2,3,4,5};

// This element will be moved
auto source = std::find(list.begin(), list.end(), 4);

// It will be inserted before this element
auto destination = std::find(list.begin(), list.end(), 2);

list.splice(destination, list, source);
// ^                      ^
// |                      `- A list to move from
// `- A list to move to   

// Prints `1 4 2 3 5`.
for (int it : list) std::cout << it << ' ';