
Pointers in pure functions

为了遍历 Fortran 中的链表,我使用了一个指向当前元素的指针,该指针在循环中移动到下一个元素。尝试在对所述链表进行操作的 pure 函数中应用它会导致错误。


module list
  implicit none

  ! Node
  type n_list
    integer               :: val
    type(n_list),pointer  :: next => NULL()
  end type

  ! Linked list
  type t_list
    type(n_list),pointer  :: head
  end type


  pure function in_list( list, val ) result(res)
    implicit none
    class(t_list),intent(in)  :: list
    integer,intent(in)        :: val
    logical                   :: res
    type(n_list),pointer      :: cur

    res = .true.
    ! Traverse the list
    cur => list%head
    do while ( associated(cur) )
      if ( cur%val == val ) return 
      cur => cur%next

    ! Not found
    res = .false.
  end function
end module


    cur => list%head
Error: Bad target in pointer assignment in PURE procedure at (1)

我知道 error/warning 背后的基本原理,并且很难确保在使用指针时函数的参数不被更改(Fortran 2008,第 12.7 章 "Pure procedures" ,尤其是 C1283)。但是,在这种情况下,list 永远不会改变。


我找到了一个使用 recursive 函数的解决方案,该解决方案至少符合标准。它既不优雅也不快速,并且受限于堆栈深度,但它正在工作。我会 post 它作为答案,虽然我希望有人有更好的解决方案...

module list
  implicit none

  ! Node
  type n_list
    integer               :: val
    type(n_list),pointer  :: next => NULL()
  end type

  ! Linked list
  type t_list
    type(n_list),pointer  :: head
  end type


  pure function in_list( list, val ) result(res)
    implicit none
    class(t_list),intent(in)  :: list
    integer,intent(in)        :: val
    logical                   :: res

    if (  associated(list%head) ) then
      res = in_list_node( list%head, val ) 
      res = .false.
  end function

  recursive pure function in_list_node( node, val ) result(res)
    implicit none
    class(n_list),intent(in)  :: node
    integer,intent(in)        :: val
    logical                   :: res

    if ( node%val == val ) then
      res = .true.
    elseif ( associated(node%next) ) then
      ! Recurse
      res = in_list_node( node%next, val ) 
      res = .false.
  end function
end module

program test
  use list
  implicit none
  integer,parameter     :: MAXELEM = 100000
  integer               :: i
  type(t_list)          :: lst
  type(n_list),pointer  :: cur

  ! Fill list
  lst%head => NULL()
  allocate( lst%head )
  lst%head%val = 1

  cur => lst%head
  do i=2,MAXELEM
    allocate( cur%next )
    cur%next%val = i
    cur => cur%next
  enddo !i

  print *,'is MAXELEM/2 in list? ', in_list( lst, MAXELEM/2 )
  print *,'is MAXELEM+1 in list? ', in_list( lst, MAXELEM+1 )
end program

您遇到的约束的相关部分 (C12831) 是

In a pure subprogram any designator with a base object that is .. a dummy argument with the INTENT (IN) attribute .. shall not be used

  • ..

  • as the data-target in a pointer-assignment-stmt


The above constraints are designed to guarantee that a pure procedure is free from side effects


但是,符合要求的 processor/compiler 必须 能够 检测违反约束的行为,而不仅仅是约束的总体目标,因此您不必只说“这确实是 pure”,而且“我不需要被告知违反了 C1283”。对于编译器供应商来说,这似乎付出了很多努力却收效甚微。

那么我猜答案是否定的:没有办法编译您的代码。这不是确定的,因为我们真正进入特定于实现的领域。您特别询问了 gfortran 和 ifort,因此“使用 -nocheck c1283”反驳了我的“答案”。

现在,如果有一个选项,您就处于“相信我”(和非标准 Fortran)的领域。所以,我们还是去那里吧。只是我们要撒谎。像往常一样,接口块将是我们的手段。

module list_mod
  implicit none

  ! Node
  type n_list
    integer               :: val
    type(n_list),pointer  :: next => NULL()
  end type

  ! Linked list
  type t_list
    type(n_list),pointer  :: head
  end type

    pure logical function in_list(list, val)
      import t_list
      class(t_list), intent(in) :: list
      integer, intent(in) :: val
    end function
  end interface

end module

! Interface mismatch in the external function
function in_list(list, val) result(res)
  use list_mod, only : t_list, n_list
  implicit none
  class(t_list),intent(in)  :: list
  integer,intent(in)        :: val
  logical                   :: res
  type(n_list),pointer      :: cur

  res = .true.
  ! Traverse the list
  cur => list%head
  do while ( associated(cur) )
    if ( cur%val == val ) return 
    cur => cur%next

  ! Not found
  res = .false.
end function

  use list_mod
  type(t_list) testlist
  type(n_list), pointer :: ptr
  integer i
  logical :: res(5) = .FALSE.

  ptr => testlist%head

  do i=1,5
    ptr => ptr%next
    ptr%val = i
  end do

  ! in_list is pure, isn't it?
  forall(i=1:5:2) res(i)=in_list(testlist,i)
  print*, res



1 这是Fortran 2008 对应询问时的语言版本。在 Fortran 2018 中,相应的约束是 C1594。

好的,我找到了使用 transfer 内部函数的解决方案。主要思想是克隆列表结构(没有数据,我检查过),并使用指向第一个节点(未更改)的指针作为起始值。是的,这是一个漏洞,但 ifortgfortran 都在没有警告的情况下接受了它。

module list_mod
  implicit none

  ! Node
  type n_list
    integer               :: val
    type(n_list),pointer  :: next => NULL()
  end type

  ! Linked list
  type t_list
    type(n_list),pointer  :: head
  end type


  pure function getHead(list) result(res)
    implicit none
    class(t_list),intent(in)  :: list
    type(n_list),pointer      :: res
    type(t_list),pointer      :: listPtr

    ! Create a copy of pointer to the list struct
    allocate( listPtr )
    listPtr = transfer( list, listPtr )

    ! Set the pointer
    res => listPtr%head

    ! Free memory
    deallocate( listPtr )
  end function

  pure function in_list( list, val ) result(res)
    implicit none
    class(t_list),intent(in)  :: list
    integer,intent(in)        :: val
    logical                   :: res
    type(n_list),pointer      :: cur

    res = .true.

    ! Traverse the list
    cur => getHead(list)
    do while ( associated(cur) )
      if ( cur%val == val ) return
      cur => cur%next

    ! Not found
    res = .false.
  end function

end module

program test
  use list_mod
  implicit none
  integer,parameter     :: MAXELEM = 10000000
  integer               :: i
  type(t_list)          :: list
  type(n_list),pointer  :: cur

  ! Fill list
  list%head => NULL()
  allocate( list%head )
  list%head%val = 1

  cur => list%head
  do i=2,MAXELEM
    allocate( cur%next )
    cur%next%val = i
    cur => cur%next
  enddo !i

  print *,'is MAXELEM/2 in list? ', in_list( list, MAXELEM/2 )
  print *,'is MAXELEM+1 in list? ', in_list( list, MAXELEM+1 )
end program