如何在 PHP 中制作个人哈希算法

How to make a personal algorithm for hash in PHP

我想为 PHP 中的文本制作一个个人算法。字母 'a' 在 'xyz' 中加密,'b' 在 '256' 中加密等等。这怎么可能?


function myEncrypt ($text)
    $text = str_replace(array('a', 'b'), array('xby', '256'), $text);
    // ... others

    return $text;

带有两个数组 "search" 和 "replaceWith" 作为参数传递的版本:

function myEncrypt ($text, $search=array(), $replaceWith=array())
    return str_replace($search, $replaceWith, $text);   

WARNING: That way isn't a correct solution to encrypt a text, there are a lot of better ways to do a secure encryption with PHP (see for example this post).

我工作很无聊,所以我想尝试一下。 这一点都不安全。地穴必须硬编码,加密字符的大小必须为 3。

//define our character->crypted text
$cryptArray = array( "a"=>"xyz","b"=>"256");
//This is our input
$string = "aab";

//Function to crypt the string
function cryptit($string,$cryptArray){    
    //create a temp string
    $temp = "";     
    //pull the length of the input
    $length = strlen($string);       
    //loop thru the characters of the input
    for($i=0; $i<$length; $i++){       
        //match our key inside the crypt array and store the contents in the temp array, this builds the crypted output
        $temp .= $cryptArray[$string[$i]];
    //returns the string
    return $temp;


//function to decrypt
function decryptit($string,$cryptArray){
    $temp = "";
    $length = strlen($string);    
    //Swap the keys with data
    $cryptArray = array_flip($cryptArray);     
    //since our character->crypt is count of 3 we must $i+3 to get the next set to decrypt
    for($i =0; $i<$length; $i = $i+3){       
        //read from the key
        $temp .= $cryptArray[$string[$i].$string[$i+1].$string[$i+2]];
    return $temp;

$crypted =  cryptit($string,$cryptArray);
echo $crypted;

$decrypted = decryptit($crypted,$cryptArray);
echo $decrypted;     



这是 3v4l link: