通过 REST 创建订单时忽略帐户上的 PayPal 销售税设置 API

PayPal Sales Tax Setting on the Account is Ignored When Creating an Order via REST API

如何让 PayPal 确定销售是否适用销售税,并在通过他们的 REST 创建订单时相应地调整总额?API?

我发现 this question which simply asks how to accomplish this, but I believe the answer to that question can be found here,指示帐户所有者更新他们的销售税设置。

这已经完成,但是当具有州内地址的用户注销 in/checks 时,PayPal 网站上显示(和收费)的总额不会更新。

根据文档中的 documentation I'm creating an order by sending the following data structure using the Python SDK that is linked to

    "intent": "sale",
    "payer": {
        "payment_method": "paypal"
    "redirect_urls": {
        "return_url": 'http://www.myreturnurl.com',
        "cancel_url": 'http://www.mycancelurl.com'
    "transactions": [{
        "item_list": {
            "items": cart_contents
        "amount": {
            "total": order_total,
            "currency": "USD",
            "details": {
                "subtotal": subtotal,
                #"tax": "0.00",
                "shipping": shipping
        "description": "This is the payment transaction description."

我希望注释掉 tax 键将允许 PayPal 帐户设置确定和应用税。 PayPal 社区帮助论坛上对 this question 的回答让我相信,通过发送 0.00 税,我覆盖了配置文件的销售税设置,并且通过从提交中删除它,帐户设置将被应用。


事实证明,PayPal 支持使用其 REST API(截至撰写本文时)通过配置文件设置进行税收计算。

来自与第 2 层 PayPal 商家技术支持代表的通信:

Running through the Rest playground using my credentials, I seemed to run across the same behavior. I then tried using ExpressCheckout calls with the same results. When I tried using PayPal standard (buy now button) the tax calculated when I got to PayPal.

I asked around and was told the profile only works with standard and you need to pass the tax over if using different methods as the functionality wasn't included at this point.