升级到 swagger 2.0 获得 Operation/DataType 类型

Upgrading to swagger 2.0 getting Operation/DataType type

我正在尝试将 Swagger 从 1.2 升级到 2.0,但在获取操作类型时遇到问题。在 1.2 中,操作对象包含数据类型字段以描述操作的 return 值。但看起来 2.0 的情况并非如此。



"The return value of an operation was moved to to the responses section, to be combined with the appropriate http status code (most likely in the 2XX range). As a result, the responses is now mandatory and must have at least one response described by it."

因此可以从 response.schema.type 或 response.schema.@ref
