将 tkinter Entry 与实际添加答案进行比较

Compare tkinter Entry to actual addition answer

我正在尝试将输入框的输入与实际答案进行比较。这是我的第一个 python 项目,我仍然很困惑,老实说,我什至不知道如何开始问这个问题。

用户将单击加法或减法按钮。将出现一个字符串询问 "What does 4 + 5 equal?" 数字是随机生成的。

然后我使用 tkinter 库插入一个输入框。 我不知道如何get()输入并将其与实际数字的和或差进行比较。

我试图遵循这个 video 但我也没有使用其他方法。仅供参考,我主要关注的是加法,所以如果你测试的话,先加法。

from tkinter import Entry
import tkinter as tk
import random as rand

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Let's play Math!")

welcomeLabel = tk.Label(text="LET'S PLAY MATH!").pack()
startLabel = tk.Label(text='Select a math operation to start').pack()

def addition():
    a = rand.randrange(1,10,1)
    b = rand.randrange(1,10,1)
    global Answer
    Answer = a + b

    tk.Label(text="What does " + str(a) + " + " + str(b) + " equal? ").place(x=0, y=125)
    global myAnswer
    myAnswer = Entry().place(x=300, y= 125)

def checkAnswer():
    entry = myAnswer.get()

    while int(entry) != Answer:
        if int(entry) != Answer:
            tk.Label(text="Let's try again.").pack()
        elif int(entry) == Answer:

addBtn = tk.Button(text="Addition", command=addition).place(x=100, y = 60)
subBtn = tk.Button(text="Subtraction", command=subtraction).place(x=200, y=60)
checkBtn = tk.Button(text="Check Answer", command=checkAnswer).place(x=300, y = 150)


要获得答案的值,请执行 answer = myanswer.get() 或任何其他变量名称。要将其与正确答案进行比较,请执行

if int(answer) == correctAnswer:
   #the code


考虑 ,下面是一个示例,当用户点击 [=] 时,响应输入 answer 的数字是 "Correct!" 还是 "False!" 14=]:

import tkinter as tk
import random as rand

def is_correct():
    global answer, check
    if answer.get() == str(a + b):
        check['text'] = "Correct!"
        check['text'] = "False!"

def restart():
    global question, check
    question['text'] = "{}+{}".format(a, b)
    check['text'] = "Please answer the question!"

def random_nums():
    global a, b
    a = rand.randrange(1, 10, 1)
    b = rand.randrange(1, 10, 1)

root = tk.Tk()

#create widgets
question = tk.Label(root)
answer = tk.Entry(root, width=3, justify='center')
check = tk.Label(root)
tk.Button(root, text="Check", command=is_correct).pack()
tk.Button(root, text="New question", command=restart).pack()

#layout widgets


解决问题所需要做的就是将 Entry() 对象的创建与放置分开:

def addition():
    a = rand.randrange(1,10,1)
    b = rand.randrange(1,10,1)
    global Answer
    Answer = int(a + b)

    tk.Label(text="What does " + str(a) + " + " + str(b) + " equal? ").place(x=0, y=125)
    global myAnswer
    myAnswer = Entry()
    myAnswer.place(x=300, y= 125)

Entry() returns 入口对象,它有一个 get() 方法。但是,当您链接 .place() 时,您会 return 它的结果,即 None。因此,您实际上从未将 Entry 对象存储在变量中。

此外,最好确保 Answer 也是 int