Pushsharp 发送苹果通知失败:SSL Stream 无法验证为客户端

Pushsharp send apple notification failed : SSL Stream Failed to Authenticate as Client

我尝试在 IIS 上托管的 ASP.NET MVC 项目上使用 Pushsharp 库向苹果设备发送推送通知。


 public static void SendAppleNotification()
            // Configuration (NOTE: .pfx can also be used here)
            byte[] arr = File.ReadAllBytes("D:\MySoftware\pa_Dev.pem");

            var config = new ApnsConfiguration(ApnsConfiguration.ApnsServerEnvironment.Sandbox,
     arr, "1234");

            // Create a new broker
            var apnsBroker = new ApnsServiceBroker(config);

            // Wire up events
            apnsBroker.OnNotificationFailed += (notification, aggregateEx) => {

                aggregateEx.Handle(ex => {

                    // See what kind of exception it was to further diagnose
                    if (ex is ApnsNotificationException)
                        var notificationException = (ApnsNotificationException)ex;

                        // Deal with the failed notification
                        var apnsNotification = notificationException.Notification;
                        var statusCode = notificationException.ErrorStatusCode;

                        Console.WriteLine($"Apple Notification Failed: ID={apnsNotification.Identifier}, Code={statusCode}");

                        // Inner exception might hold more useful information like an ApnsConnectionException           
                        Console.WriteLine($"Apple Notification Failed for some unknown reason : {ex.InnerException}");

                    // Mark it as handled
                    return true;

            apnsBroker.OnNotificationSucceeded += (notification) => {
                Console.WriteLine("Apple Notification Sent!");

            // Start the broker

                // Queue a notification to send
                apnsBroker.QueueNotification(new ApnsNotification
                    DeviceToken = "660E4433785EFF2B2AA29D5076B039C969F1AADD839D79261328F40B08D26497",
                    Payload = JObject.Parse("{\"aps\":{\"badge\":7}}")

            // Stop the broker, wait for it to finish   
            // This isn't done after every message, but after you're
            // done with the broker


注意事项: 1- 尝试将 pem 扩展名更改为 p12,但仍然出现同样的问题。 2- 我尝试使用 https://pushtry.com/ 发送推送通知,它工作正常,所以问题不是来自证书文件或密码。

pushsharp 内部的问题或缺少配置必须在我的机器上完成,有人知道吗?

我认为该问题与 Push Sharp 有关,因此请通过将名为 ApplePushChannel.cs 的 class 中的 SSl3 更改为 Tls 来尝试此解决方案 这是变化

  The orginal code in the file is 
  stream.AuthenticateAsClient(this.appleSettings.Host, this.certificates, System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Ssl3, false);

 replace it with 

 stream.AuthenticateAsClient(this.appleSettings.Host, this.certificates, System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Tls, false);                   


我的问题通过使用以下命令从 pem 生成 p12 文件得到解决,而不是通过重命名文件扩展名。

openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey sofwareKey.pem -in software_Prod.pem -out cert_key.p12




截至 2019 年 7 月 23 日,这件事刚刚发生在我身上。看起来 Apple 现在正在

为沙盒 voip 推送通知服务器强制执行 TLS 1.2
gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com - port 2195
feedback.sandbox.push.apple.com - port 2196

我发现我必须从 https://github.com/Redth/PushSharp(master 分支)中检查最新的代码,构建它,然后在我的项目中手动添加对构建的 DLL 的引用。

之前我使用的是 NuGet PushSharp 包,该包现在已有 3 年历史且未更新。如果您查看 master 分支上最近的提交,那里有一些与 Apple 和 TLS 相关的更改,所以我确信这已经修复了它。