如何处理 scipy 和非常大的数字

How to work with scipy and extremely large numbers

我想使用 scipy 的特殊函数来处理非常大的数字

alpha = 9999
def y(t):
    return 1 / (special.lambertw(alpha * math.exp(alpha-t)) + 1)

math.exp 抛出溢出错误,这并不奇怪。所以我尝试改用十进制模块

alpha = 9999
def y(t):
    exp = decimal.Decimal(math.exp(1))
    exp = exp ** alpha
    exp = exp * decimal.Decimal(math.exp(-t))
    return 1 / (special.lambertw(alpha * math.exp(alpha-t)) + 1)


TypeError: ufunc '_lambertw' not supported for the input types, and the 
inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to 
the casting rule ''safe''

special.lambertw 来自 scipy


一种选择是使用 mpmath. It includes an implementation of lambertw


In [20]: import mpmath

In [21]: mpmath.mp.dps = 30

In [22]: alpha = 9999

In [23]: def y(t):
    ...:     return 1 / (mpmath.lambertw(alpha * mpmath.exp(alpha-t)) + 1)

In [24]: y(1.5)
Out[24]: mpf('0.000100015000749774938119797735952206')

一般情况下,您将无法使用scipy的具有极大值的特殊功能。大部分 scipy 代码是用 C、C++ 或 Fortran 实现的,并且仅限于 64 位浮点值,最大值约为 1.8e308:

In [11]: np.finfo(np.float64).max
Out[11]: 1.7976931348623157e+308