在 Woocommerce 中为结帐表单字段添加 class

Add class for checkout form fields in Woocommerce

我想将 bootstrap form-control class 添加到结帐表单字段。根据 woocommerce 文档

function custom_override_checkout_fields( $fields ) {
 $fields['order']['order_comments']['placeholder'] = 'My new placeholder';
 $fields['order']['order_comments']['label'] = 'My new label';
 return $fields;

Each field contains an array of properties:

type – type of field (text, textarea, password, select)
label – label for the input field
placeholder – placeholder for the input
class – class for the input
required – true or false, whether or not the field is require
clear – true or false, applies a clear fix to the field/label
label_class – class for the label element
options – for select boxes, array of options (key => value pairs)


$fields['order']['order_comments']['class'] = 'form-control';


implode(): Invalid arguments passed

并且未应用 class。我做错了什么?

explode() 函数需要一个数组,因为结帐字段 class 属性 使用数组。

现在 bootstrap form-control class,需要在字段本身上,您将使用未记录的 'input_class' 属性 数组这样:

$fields['order']['order_comments']['input_class'] = array('form-control');


对于 'class' 属性,Woocommerce 使用以下 classes:

  • form-row-first(左边半场)
  • form-row-last(右边半场)
  • form-row-wide(满场)

文档:Customizing checkout fields using actions and filters