如何使用 node.js 从页面源中的此标签获取信息 - {{= flyingStatus(it.m_status) }}?

How with use node.js get information from this tag that in page source - {{= flyingStatus(it.m_status) }}?

如果我查看页面源代码,我会看到 "unusual" 属性值:

class = "bma-fly flying {{= flyingStatus(it.m_status) }}


class = "value"

加载页面后,如果我使用按钮 "Inspect",我会看到:

class = "bma-fly flying flying-won-team2 flying-past"

现在的问题是,如果我使用 cheerio (jquery),如何从这个 "unusual" 属性值中使用 Node.js 获取信息,但什么也看不到??? 例如:

 request(link, function(err, resp, html) {
        if (!err){
          const $ = cheerio.load(html);
          let info = $("div.bma-fly.flying.flying-won-team2.flying-past");
          fs.writeFileSync("4.txt" , info); // nothing



<div class = "bma-fly flying flying-won-team2 flying-past"> la la la </div>
<div class = "bma-fly flying flying-won-team2 flying-past"> kyrlik kyrkik </div>
<div class = "bma-fly flying flying-won-team2 flying-past"> bo bo bo </div>
<div class = "bma-fly flying flying-won-team2 flying-past"> info </div>
<div class = "bma-fly flying flying-won-team2 flying-past"> privet chelovek </div>

并且您想查看所有信息。 使用 node.js 和 puppeteer 的代码:

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
var fs = require('fs');

var link = "www. IIpuBeT Dpyr . com";

(async () => {
  console.log("Get info");
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto(link);
   const text = await page.evaluate(() => {
      return [...document.body.querySelectorAll('.bma-fly.flying.flying-won-team2.flying-past')]
               .map(element => element.innerText)

  fs.writeFileSync("nameFile.txt" , text);
