
Creating and adding data in a linked Llist


•   The program will use dynamic memory to create a singly linked list(NO ARRAYS PERMITTED)
•   The program will store unlimited number of student records(limited only by RAM).
•   A student record will consist of Student Name, Age, and GPA…you may need to add additional fields to make this work(Next).
•   The program will have a way for the user to add records(in order by name).You can assume that no two students have the same name.The list will always be in order.
•   The program will have a way for the user to display ALL records.
•   The program needs a way to quit.

#pragma warning(disable: 4996)// disables warning
typedef struct{
    char name[40];
    int age;
    float gpa;
    struct NODE* next;
void addStudent();

int main(void){
    NODE* head = NULL;
    int userinput;
    printf("       **********************************\n");
    printf("       *        MENU                    *\n");
    printf("       *  1. Add Student                *\n");
    printf("       *  2. Display all student records*\n");
    printf("       *  3. Quit                       *\n");
    printf("       **********************************\n");
    scanf_s("%d%*[^\n]", &userinput); '\n' == getchar();
    switch (userinput)
    case 1: do
        printf("Add another record? 1(y) 2(n)\n");
        scanf_s("%d%*[^\n]", &userinput); '\n' == getchar();
    } while (userinput == 1);



void addStudent(NODE* head){

    head = malloc(sizeof(NODE));
    if (head == NULL)
    NODE * current = head;
    printf("Please Enter student name:\n");
    fgets(current->name, 40, stdin);
    printf("Enter student age:\n");
    scanf("%d%*[^\n]", &current->age); '\n' == getchar();
    printf("Enter student gpa:\n");
    scanf("%f%*[^\n]", &current->gpa); '\n' == getchar();
    current->next = NULL;

    while (current != NULL){
        current = head;
        printf("%s\n", current->name);
        printf("%d\n", current->age);
        printf("%0.2f\n", current->gpa);
        current = current->next;

当我编译时,它总是会打印我假设的头部,因为 current = head 在 while 循环中,我明白为什么它会打印头部,但我不知道如何安排这段代码所以当我通过循环添加和打印所有节点时,我可以创建一个新节点。


  1. 分配一个新的NODE,

    NODE *newNode = malloc(sizeof(NODE));
  2. 将数据加载到该节点

    printf("Please Enter student name:\n");
    fgets(&newNode->name, 40, stdin);
    printf("Enter student age:\n");
    scanf("%d%*[^\n]", &newNode->age); '\n' == getchar();
    printf("Enter student gpa:\n");
    scanf("%f%*[^\n]", &newNode->gpa); '\n' == getchar();
  3. 更新节点指向HEAD当前指向的节点

    newNode->next = head
  4. 更新头部指向新节点

    head = newNode;