Namecheap API: XML reader C# 异常

Namecheap API: XML reader exception in C#

我在反序列化 XML 时遇到问题:

public class ProductCategory
    public Product[] Products;

public class Product
    [XmlArrayItem("ProductPrice", typeof(ProductPrice))]
    public ProductPrice[] Prices;

public class ProductPrice
    public int Duration;

    public string DurationType;

    public decimal Price;

    public decimal RegularPrice;

    public decimal YourPrice;

    public string CouponPrice;

    public string Currency;


public ProductType GetPricing()
            XDocument doc = new Query(_params)
              .AddParameter("ProductType", "DOMAIN")

            var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ProductType), _ns.NamespaceName);

            using (var reader = doc.Root.Element(_ns + "CommandResponse").Element(_ns + "ProductType").CreateReader())
                return (ProductType)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

我收到这个错误: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

在这里您可以找到 xml 的示例:




[XmlRoot("ProductType", Namespace = "")]
public class ProductType
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public ProductCategory[] ProductCategories;
public class ProductCategory
    public Product[] Products;

public class Product
    public ProductPrice[] Prices;

public class ProductPrice
    public int Duration;

    public string DurationType;

    public decimal Price;

    public decimal RegularPrice;

    public decimal YourPrice;

    public string CouponPrice;

    public string Currency;


var serializerx = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ProductType), "");
XElement doc = XElement.Load("sample1.xml");
XNamespace ns = doc.Name.Namespace;
var e = doc.Element(ns + "CommandResponse").Element(ns + "UserGetPricingResult").Element(ns + "ProductType");

using (var reader = e.CreateReader())
    var prod =  (ProductType)serializerx.Deserialize(reader);
