获取连接到 Android 设备的所有存储设备的路径列表
Get the list of paths of all the Storage Devices connected to an Android device
我想获取连接到 Android 设备的所有存储设备的列表。
例如 - 内部存储(存储所有文件夹,如下载、DCIM 等)、SD 卡和 OTG 设备。
我知道有很多 Whosebug 帖子讨论了这个话题,但是其中 none 可以达到我上面所说的目的。
我可以通过调用 Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()
获取内部存储,其中 return 内部存储的路径。
任何关于这方面的帮助将不胜感激,因为没有标准的 AFAIK 可以用来检索所有连接的存储设备的列表。
此外,许多解决方案不适用于不同的设备和 Android 版本。
在我的用例中,我使用 Environment.DIRECTORY_MOVIES
但如果您需要,还有其他定义,包括通用 DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS
你可以创建一个class EnvironmentSDCardCheck
package com.example.storagecheck;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.os.storage.StorageManager;
import android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat;
import android.support.v4.os.EnvironmentCompat;
import android.util.Log;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class EnvironmentSDCardCheck {
private static final String TAG = "EnvironmentSDCardCheck";
public final static String TYPE_PRIMARY = "primär";
public final static String TYPE_INTERNAL = "intern";
public final static String TYPE_SD = "MicroSD";
public final static String TYPE_USB = "USB";
public final static String TYPE_UNKNOWN = "unbekannt";
public final static String WRITE_NONE = "none";
public final static String WRITE_READONLY = "readonly";
public final static String WRITE_APPONLY = "apponly";
public final static String WRITE_FULL = "readwrite";
private static Device[] devices, externalstorage, storage;
private static BroadcastReceiver receiver;
private static boolean useReceiver = true;
private static String userDir;
public static Device[] getDevices(Context context) {
if (devices == null) initDevices(context);
return devices;
public static Device[] getExternalStorage(Context context) {
if (devices == null) initDevices(context);
return externalstorage;
public static Device[] getStorage(Context context) {
if (devices == null) initDevices(context);
return storage;
public static IntentFilter getRescanIntentFilter() {
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
return filter;
public static void setUseReceiver(Context context, boolean use) {
if (use && receiver == null) {
receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Log.i(TAG, "Storage " + intent.getAction() + "-" + intent.getData());
context.registerReceiver(receiver, getRescanIntentFilter());
} else if (!use && receiver != null) {
receiver = null;
useReceiver = use;
public static void initDevices(Context context) {
if (userDir == null) userDir = "/Android/data/" + context.getPackageName();
setUseReceiver(context, useReceiver);
StorageManager sm = (StorageManager) context.getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE);
Class c = sm.getClass();
Object[] vols;
try {
Method m = c.getMethod("getVolumeList", null);
vols = (Object[]) m.invoke(sm, null); // android.os.Storage.StorageVolume
Device[] temp = new Device[vols.length];
for (int i = 0; i < vols.length; i++) temp[i] = new Device(vols[i]);
Device primary = null;
for (Device d : temp) if (d.mPrimary) primary = d;
if (primary == null) for (Device d : temp)
if (!d.mRemovable) {
d.mPrimary = true;
primary = d;
if (primary == null) {
primary = temp[0];
primary.mPrimary = true;
File[] files = ContextCompat.getExternalFilesDirs(context, null);
File[] caches = ContextCompat.getExternalCacheDirs(context);
for (Device d : temp) {
if (files != null) for (File f : files)
if (f != null && f.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(d.getAbsolutePath()))
d.mFiles = f;
if (caches != null) for (File f : caches)
if (f != null && f.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(d.getAbsolutePath()))
d.mCache = f;
ArrayList<Device> tempDev = new ArrayList<Device>(10);
ArrayList<Device> tempStor = new ArrayList<Device>(10);
ArrayList<Device> tempExt = new ArrayList<Device>(10);
for (Device d : temp) {
if (d.isAvailable()) {
Device internal = new Device(context);
tempStor.add(0, internal); // bei Storage-Alternativen immer
if (!primary.mEmulated) tempDev.add(0, internal); // bei Devices nur wenn zusätzlich
devices = tempDev.toArray(new Device[tempDev.size()]);
storage = tempStor.toArray(new Device[tempStor.size()]);
externalstorage = tempExt.toArray(new Device[tempExt.size()]);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Fallback auf normale Android-Funktionen
public static class Device extends File {
String mUserLabel, mUuid, mState, mWriteState, mType;
boolean mPrimary, mRemovable, mEmulated, mAllowMassStorage;
long mMaxFileSize;
File mFiles, mCache;
Device(Context context) {
mState = Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED;
mFiles = context.getFilesDir();
mCache = context.getCacheDir();
mWriteState = WRITE_APPONLY;
Device(Object storage) throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
super((String) storage.getClass().getMethod("getPath", null).invoke(storage, null));
for (Method m : storage.getClass().getMethods()) {
if (m.getName().equals("getUserLabel") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == String.class)
mUserLabel = (String) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.4
if (m.getName().equals("getUuid") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == String.class)
mUuid = (String) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.4
if (m.getName().equals("getState") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == String.class)
mState = (String) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.4
if (m.getName().equals("isRemovable") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == boolean.class)
mRemovable = (Boolean) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.0
if (m.getName().equals("isPrimary") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == boolean.class)
mPrimary = (Boolean) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.2
if (m.getName().equals("isEmulated") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == boolean.class)
mEmulated = (Boolean) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.0
if (m.getName().equals("allowMassStorage") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == boolean.class)
mAllowMassStorage = (Boolean) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.0
if (m.getName().equals("getMaxFileSize") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == long.class)
mMaxFileSize = (Long) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.0
// getDescription (ab 4.1 mit context) liefert keine sinnvollen Werte
// getPathFile (ab 4.2) liefert keine sinnvollen Werte
// getMtpReserveSpace (ab 4.0) für diese Zwecke unwichtig
// getStorageId (ab 4.0) für diese Zwecke unwichtig
if (mState == null) mState = getState();
if (mPrimary)
else {
String n = getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase();
if (n.indexOf("sd") > 0)
mType = TYPE_SD;
else if (n.indexOf("usb") > 0)
mType = TYPE_USB;
mType = TYPE_UNKNOWN + " " + getAbsolutePath();
public String getType() {
return mType;
public String getAccess() {
if (mWriteState == null) {
try {
mWriteState = WRITE_NONE;
File[] root = listFiles();
if (root == null || root.length == 0)
throw new IOException("root empty/unreadable");
File t = File.createTempFile("jow", null, getFilesDir());
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
mWriteState = WRITE_APPONLY;
t = File.createTempFile("jow", null, this);
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
mWriteState = WRITE_FULL;
} catch (IOException ignore) {
Log.v(TAG, "test " + getAbsolutePath() + " ->" + mWriteState + "<- " + ignore.getMessage());
return mWriteState;
public boolean isAvailable() {
String s = getState();
return (
Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(s) ||
// MEDIA_SHARED: als USB freigegeben; bitte Handy auf MTP umstellen
public String getState() {
if (mRemovable || mState == null) {
// Android 5.0? Da gibts was neues
mState = Environment.getExternalStorageState(this);
// Android 4.4? Dann dort nachfragen
mState = Environment.getStorageState(this);
else if (canRead() && getTotalSpace() > 0)
// lesbar und Größe vorhanden => gibt es
mState = Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED;
else if (mState == null || Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(mState))
// nicht lesbar, keine Größe aber noch MOUNTED || oder ungesetzt => UNKNOWN
mState = EnvironmentCompat.MEDIA_UNKNOWN;
return mState;
public File getFilesDir() {
if (mFiles == null) {
mFiles = new File(this, userDir + "/files");
if (!mFiles.isDirectory())
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
return mFiles;
public File getCacheDir() {
if (mCache == null) {
mCache = new File(this, userDir + "/cache");
if (!mCache.isDirectory())
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
return mCache;
public boolean isPrimary() {
return mPrimary;
public boolean isRemovable() {
return mRemovable;
public boolean isEmulated() {
return mEmulated;
public boolean isAllowMassStorage() {
return mAllowMassStorage;
public long getMaxFileSize() {
return mMaxFileSize;
public String getUserLabel() {
return mUserLabel;
public String getUuid() {
return mUuid;
然后您可以使用它来检查 sd 卡或 Usb 或未知设备当前是否已与设备连接
This way you can get the connected sd card, usb, etc.
private boolean checkSdCardPermission() {
boolean flag = false;
try {
EnvironmentSDCard.Device[] devices = EnvironmentSDCard.getExternalStorage(MainActivity.this);
for (EnvironmentSDCard.Device d : devices) {
if (d.getType().equals(EnvironmentSDCard.TYPE_SD) || d.getType().contains(EnvironmentSDCard.TYPE_UNKNOWN) || d.getType().contains(EnvironmentSDCard.TYPE_USB)) {
flag = d.isAvailable();
if (flag)
} catch (Exception e) {
return flag;
自 API 级 9 开始 android.os.storage.StorageManager
。调用 getStorageVolumes()
(自 API 级别 24 起可用)以获取存储卷列表。正如文档所说:
Return the list of shared/external storage volumes available to the current user. This includes both the primary shared storage device and any attached external volumes including SD cards and USB drives.
。现在,看看 android.os.storage.StorageVolume
Information about a shared/external storage volume for a specific user.
例如,您可以通过调用 getDescription()
获得卷的 user-visible 描述。请参阅 createAccessIntent()
这是对@Sagar 关于从 /proc
获取坐骑的回答的补充。请注意使用 /proc/self/mountinfo 而不是 /proc/mountinfo 或 /proc/mounts。您可以在 man 5 procfs
中阅读有关 /proc/self/mountinfo
格式的更多信息。虽然以下代码在技术上解析文件,但在主线程上 运行 是安全的(因为 /proc
是 in-memory 文件系统)。
private static final int SANE_SIZE_LIMIT = 200 * 1024 * 1024;
// some hashmap for mapping long values to objects
// personally I am using HPPC maps, the HashMap class is for simplicity
public final HashMap<String> mountMap = new HashMap<>();
public void parse() {
CharsetDecoder decoder = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.newDecoder();
parseMounts(decoder, true);
private int measure(FileChannel fc) throws IOException {
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024 * 4);
int totalRead = 0, lastRead;
do {
lastRead = fc.read(buffer);
totalRead += lastRead;
if (totalRead > SANE_SIZE_LIMIT) {
throw new IOException("/proc/ file appears to be too big!!");
} while (lastRead != -1);
return totalRead;
private void parseMounts(CharsetDecoder d, boolean force) {
File file = new File("/proc/self/mountinfo");
int mode = ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY;
try (ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = ParcelFileDescriptor.open(file, mode));
FileChannel fc = new FileInputStream(pfd.getFileDescriptor()).getChannel()) {
// Measure size of file before reading from it.
// Virtual files in /proc/ appear to be zero-sized (because
// their contents are dynamic), but we want to attempt
// reading it in single read() call to avoid inconsistencies
final int totalRead = measure(fc);
try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pfd.getFileDescriptor());
Reader r = Channels.newReader(fis.getChannel(), d, totalRead);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(r)) {
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
final String[] mm = scanner.next().split(":");
final int major = Integer.parseInt(mm[0]);
final int minor = Integer.parseInt(mm[1]);
final long dev_t = makedev(major, minor);
final String source = scanner.next();
// ignore bind-mounts for now
if ("/".equals(source)) {
final String location = scanner.next();
// skip optional parts
scanner.skip("(.+ -)");
// type of file system (such as ext4)
// most useful filesystems can be distinguished by type
// but "fuse" is problematic (because most Android
// distributions implement dynamic permissions on
// external SD card via custom FUSE filesystem).
// To make matters worse, that SD card FUSE filesystem is
// often mounted in several places at once. The code below
// will throw away duplicate mounts by placing them in
// HashMap, keyed by uniqie filesystem type ID,
// but you can do it more cleverly be checking whether
// a mountpoint directory is accessible (via File#list).
// You can throw away rest of useless filesystems (such as
// /mnt/secure/asec) by permission checks and blacklisting
// well-known paths.
final String fsType = scanner.next().intern();
final String subject = scanner.next().intern();
String created = location + subject + fsType;
String prev = mountMap.put(dev_t, created);
if (prev != null) {
created.next = prev;
} catch (NumberFormatException | NoSuchElementException nse) {
// oops.. either a new row type was introduced (not a big deal)
// or the file changed below our feet (because someone has mounted
// something). Let's retry once more
parseMounts(d, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WrappedIOException(e);
您可以在 this answer 中找到更多有用的信息(例如无用文件系统的通用路径)。请注意,/proc/mounts 和 /proc/mountinfo 的格式不同,后者是在前者之后引入的,以在不破坏向后兼容性的情况下改进其格式。
上面的代码不是金弹药——它并没有真正告诉你任何关于单个文件系统的信息,只是告诉你它们的路径和文件系统名称。你可以有理由相信,"vfat" 和 "ext4" 是有用的文件系统,而 "procfs" 是无用的,但像 "fuse" 这样的东西将保持神秘。您可以通过使用 android.os.storage.StorageManager
获取更多 user-friendly 文件系统名称(如 "SD Card")来增加上面代码的输出(当它们可用时(通过挂载路径匹配))。您还可以使用 StatFs 获取分区上的可用空闲 space — 无用的虚拟文件系统通常会 return 零空闲 space 和零可用 space 查询时。最后,如果您愿意,可以在决定是否向用户显示文件系统时考虑文件系统挂载选项。例如。 ro
对比 rw
,— read-only 文件系统挂载通常对您的用户来说用处不大。
当我向人们解释这个方法时,他们通常关心它的稳健性……它能在一些随机的垃圾电话上工作吗?它会在未来的 OS 版本中保持可用吗?这是我的看法:这个方法仍然比许多 reflection-based 建议的要好,— 在最坏的情况下,从 /proc/ 文件中读取将 return 你 IOException。它不会使您的应用程序崩溃或导致不可预知的行为,例如某些 reflection-based 黑客行为。
文件系统是官方 Linux API,由 Linux 内核开发人员维护。不可能通过指定不同的内核构建选项来删除它(例如,它是 OS 内核的强制性部分)。它已经存在多年,并且比大多数 Android API 保留了更好的向后兼容性。特别是 /proc/self/mountinfo 是 10 多年前创建的,将在除最古老的大多数现有 Android 版本中可用。
Android 开发者不正式支持 Linux-specific APIs。但他们也不会特意打破它们。 post-Lollipop Android 中最近的一些 SELinux 更改限制了对 /proc/
中某些文件的访问 — 因为它们允许应用程序暗中监视其他应用程序。这些更改专门使 /proc/self
可访问,因为 /proc/self 旨在仅公开应用程序自己的信息(包括有关文件系统的信息,可供应用程序使用)。
如果 Google 从 Linux 过渡到 Fuchensa 或其他一些本土 BSD 分支,/proc/ 和其他 Linux-specifc API 可能会崩溃。我关心的?不是真的。
我想获取连接到 Android 设备的所有存储设备的列表。
例如 - 内部存储(存储所有文件夹,如下载、DCIM 等)、SD 卡和 OTG 设备。
我知道有很多 Whosebug 帖子讨论了这个话题,但是其中 none 可以达到我上面所说的目的。
我可以通过调用 Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()
获取内部存储,其中 return 内部存储的路径。
任何关于这方面的帮助将不胜感激,因为没有标准的 AFAIK 可以用来检索所有连接的存储设备的列表。
此外,许多解决方案不适用于不同的设备和 Android 版本。
在我的用例中,我使用 Environment.DIRECTORY_MOVIES
但如果您需要,还有其他定义,包括通用 DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS
你可以创建一个class EnvironmentSDCardCheck
package com.example.storagecheck;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.os.storage.StorageManager;
import android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat;
import android.support.v4.os.EnvironmentCompat;
import android.util.Log;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class EnvironmentSDCardCheck {
private static final String TAG = "EnvironmentSDCardCheck";
public final static String TYPE_PRIMARY = "primär";
public final static String TYPE_INTERNAL = "intern";
public final static String TYPE_SD = "MicroSD";
public final static String TYPE_USB = "USB";
public final static String TYPE_UNKNOWN = "unbekannt";
public final static String WRITE_NONE = "none";
public final static String WRITE_READONLY = "readonly";
public final static String WRITE_APPONLY = "apponly";
public final static String WRITE_FULL = "readwrite";
private static Device[] devices, externalstorage, storage;
private static BroadcastReceiver receiver;
private static boolean useReceiver = true;
private static String userDir;
public static Device[] getDevices(Context context) {
if (devices == null) initDevices(context);
return devices;
public static Device[] getExternalStorage(Context context) {
if (devices == null) initDevices(context);
return externalstorage;
public static Device[] getStorage(Context context) {
if (devices == null) initDevices(context);
return storage;
public static IntentFilter getRescanIntentFilter() {
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
return filter;
public static void setUseReceiver(Context context, boolean use) {
if (use && receiver == null) {
receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Log.i(TAG, "Storage " + intent.getAction() + "-" + intent.getData());
context.registerReceiver(receiver, getRescanIntentFilter());
} else if (!use && receiver != null) {
receiver = null;
useReceiver = use;
public static void initDevices(Context context) {
if (userDir == null) userDir = "/Android/data/" + context.getPackageName();
setUseReceiver(context, useReceiver);
StorageManager sm = (StorageManager) context.getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE);
Class c = sm.getClass();
Object[] vols;
try {
Method m = c.getMethod("getVolumeList", null);
vols = (Object[]) m.invoke(sm, null); // android.os.Storage.StorageVolume
Device[] temp = new Device[vols.length];
for (int i = 0; i < vols.length; i++) temp[i] = new Device(vols[i]);
Device primary = null;
for (Device d : temp) if (d.mPrimary) primary = d;
if (primary == null) for (Device d : temp)
if (!d.mRemovable) {
d.mPrimary = true;
primary = d;
if (primary == null) {
primary = temp[0];
primary.mPrimary = true;
File[] files = ContextCompat.getExternalFilesDirs(context, null);
File[] caches = ContextCompat.getExternalCacheDirs(context);
for (Device d : temp) {
if (files != null) for (File f : files)
if (f != null && f.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(d.getAbsolutePath()))
d.mFiles = f;
if (caches != null) for (File f : caches)
if (f != null && f.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(d.getAbsolutePath()))
d.mCache = f;
ArrayList<Device> tempDev = new ArrayList<Device>(10);
ArrayList<Device> tempStor = new ArrayList<Device>(10);
ArrayList<Device> tempExt = new ArrayList<Device>(10);
for (Device d : temp) {
if (d.isAvailable()) {
Device internal = new Device(context);
tempStor.add(0, internal); // bei Storage-Alternativen immer
if (!primary.mEmulated) tempDev.add(0, internal); // bei Devices nur wenn zusätzlich
devices = tempDev.toArray(new Device[tempDev.size()]);
storage = tempStor.toArray(new Device[tempStor.size()]);
externalstorage = tempExt.toArray(new Device[tempExt.size()]);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Fallback auf normale Android-Funktionen
public static class Device extends File {
String mUserLabel, mUuid, mState, mWriteState, mType;
boolean mPrimary, mRemovable, mEmulated, mAllowMassStorage;
long mMaxFileSize;
File mFiles, mCache;
Device(Context context) {
mState = Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED;
mFiles = context.getFilesDir();
mCache = context.getCacheDir();
mWriteState = WRITE_APPONLY;
Device(Object storage) throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
super((String) storage.getClass().getMethod("getPath", null).invoke(storage, null));
for (Method m : storage.getClass().getMethods()) {
if (m.getName().equals("getUserLabel") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == String.class)
mUserLabel = (String) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.4
if (m.getName().equals("getUuid") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == String.class)
mUuid = (String) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.4
if (m.getName().equals("getState") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == String.class)
mState = (String) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.4
if (m.getName().equals("isRemovable") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == boolean.class)
mRemovable = (Boolean) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.0
if (m.getName().equals("isPrimary") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == boolean.class)
mPrimary = (Boolean) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.2
if (m.getName().equals("isEmulated") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == boolean.class)
mEmulated = (Boolean) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.0
if (m.getName().equals("allowMassStorage") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == boolean.class)
mAllowMassStorage = (Boolean) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.0
if (m.getName().equals("getMaxFileSize") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getReturnType() == long.class)
mMaxFileSize = (Long) m.invoke(storage, null); // ab Android 4.0
// getDescription (ab 4.1 mit context) liefert keine sinnvollen Werte
// getPathFile (ab 4.2) liefert keine sinnvollen Werte
// getMtpReserveSpace (ab 4.0) für diese Zwecke unwichtig
// getStorageId (ab 4.0) für diese Zwecke unwichtig
if (mState == null) mState = getState();
if (mPrimary)
else {
String n = getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase();
if (n.indexOf("sd") > 0)
mType = TYPE_SD;
else if (n.indexOf("usb") > 0)
mType = TYPE_USB;
mType = TYPE_UNKNOWN + " " + getAbsolutePath();
public String getType() {
return mType;
public String getAccess() {
if (mWriteState == null) {
try {
mWriteState = WRITE_NONE;
File[] root = listFiles();
if (root == null || root.length == 0)
throw new IOException("root empty/unreadable");
File t = File.createTempFile("jow", null, getFilesDir());
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
mWriteState = WRITE_APPONLY;
t = File.createTempFile("jow", null, this);
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
mWriteState = WRITE_FULL;
} catch (IOException ignore) {
Log.v(TAG, "test " + getAbsolutePath() + " ->" + mWriteState + "<- " + ignore.getMessage());
return mWriteState;
public boolean isAvailable() {
String s = getState();
return (
Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(s) ||
// MEDIA_SHARED: als USB freigegeben; bitte Handy auf MTP umstellen
public String getState() {
if (mRemovable || mState == null) {
// Android 5.0? Da gibts was neues
mState = Environment.getExternalStorageState(this);
// Android 4.4? Dann dort nachfragen
mState = Environment.getStorageState(this);
else if (canRead() && getTotalSpace() > 0)
// lesbar und Größe vorhanden => gibt es
mState = Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED;
else if (mState == null || Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(mState))
// nicht lesbar, keine Größe aber noch MOUNTED || oder ungesetzt => UNKNOWN
mState = EnvironmentCompat.MEDIA_UNKNOWN;
return mState;
public File getFilesDir() {
if (mFiles == null) {
mFiles = new File(this, userDir + "/files");
if (!mFiles.isDirectory())
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
return mFiles;
public File getCacheDir() {
if (mCache == null) {
mCache = new File(this, userDir + "/cache");
if (!mCache.isDirectory())
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
return mCache;
public boolean isPrimary() {
return mPrimary;
public boolean isRemovable() {
return mRemovable;
public boolean isEmulated() {
return mEmulated;
public boolean isAllowMassStorage() {
return mAllowMassStorage;
public long getMaxFileSize() {
return mMaxFileSize;
public String getUserLabel() {
return mUserLabel;
public String getUuid() {
return mUuid;
然后您可以使用它来检查 sd 卡或 Usb 或未知设备当前是否已与设备连接
This way you can get the connected sd card, usb, etc.
private boolean checkSdCardPermission() {
boolean flag = false;
try {
EnvironmentSDCard.Device[] devices = EnvironmentSDCard.getExternalStorage(MainActivity.this);
for (EnvironmentSDCard.Device d : devices) {
if (d.getType().equals(EnvironmentSDCard.TYPE_SD) || d.getType().contains(EnvironmentSDCard.TYPE_UNKNOWN) || d.getType().contains(EnvironmentSDCard.TYPE_USB)) {
flag = d.isAvailable();
if (flag)
} catch (Exception e) {
return flag;
自 API 级 9 开始 android.os.storage.StorageManager
。调用 getStorageVolumes()
(自 API 级别 24 起可用)以获取存储卷列表。正如文档所说:
Return the list of shared/external storage volumes available to the current user. This includes both the primary shared storage device and any attached external volumes including SD cards and USB drives.
。现在,看看 android.os.storage.StorageVolume
Information about a shared/external storage volume for a specific user.
例如,您可以通过调用 getDescription()
获得卷的 user-visible 描述。请参阅 createAccessIntent()
这是对@Sagar 关于从 /proc
获取坐骑的回答的补充。请注意使用 /proc/self/mountinfo 而不是 /proc/mountinfo 或 /proc/mounts。您可以在 man 5 procfs
中阅读有关 /proc/self/mountinfo
格式的更多信息。虽然以下代码在技术上解析文件,但在主线程上 运行 是安全的(因为 /proc
是 in-memory 文件系统)。
private static final int SANE_SIZE_LIMIT = 200 * 1024 * 1024;
// some hashmap for mapping long values to objects
// personally I am using HPPC maps, the HashMap class is for simplicity
public final HashMap<String> mountMap = new HashMap<>();
public void parse() {
CharsetDecoder decoder = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.newDecoder();
parseMounts(decoder, true);
private int measure(FileChannel fc) throws IOException {
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024 * 4);
int totalRead = 0, lastRead;
do {
lastRead = fc.read(buffer);
totalRead += lastRead;
if (totalRead > SANE_SIZE_LIMIT) {
throw new IOException("/proc/ file appears to be too big!!");
} while (lastRead != -1);
return totalRead;
private void parseMounts(CharsetDecoder d, boolean force) {
File file = new File("/proc/self/mountinfo");
int mode = ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY;
try (ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = ParcelFileDescriptor.open(file, mode));
FileChannel fc = new FileInputStream(pfd.getFileDescriptor()).getChannel()) {
// Measure size of file before reading from it.
// Virtual files in /proc/ appear to be zero-sized (because
// their contents are dynamic), but we want to attempt
// reading it in single read() call to avoid inconsistencies
final int totalRead = measure(fc);
try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pfd.getFileDescriptor());
Reader r = Channels.newReader(fis.getChannel(), d, totalRead);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(r)) {
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
final String[] mm = scanner.next().split(":");
final int major = Integer.parseInt(mm[0]);
final int minor = Integer.parseInt(mm[1]);
final long dev_t = makedev(major, minor);
final String source = scanner.next();
// ignore bind-mounts for now
if ("/".equals(source)) {
final String location = scanner.next();
// skip optional parts
scanner.skip("(.+ -)");
// type of file system (such as ext4)
// most useful filesystems can be distinguished by type
// but "fuse" is problematic (because most Android
// distributions implement dynamic permissions on
// external SD card via custom FUSE filesystem).
// To make matters worse, that SD card FUSE filesystem is
// often mounted in several places at once. The code below
// will throw away duplicate mounts by placing them in
// HashMap, keyed by uniqie filesystem type ID,
// but you can do it more cleverly be checking whether
// a mountpoint directory is accessible (via File#list).
// You can throw away rest of useless filesystems (such as
// /mnt/secure/asec) by permission checks and blacklisting
// well-known paths.
final String fsType = scanner.next().intern();
final String subject = scanner.next().intern();
String created = location + subject + fsType;
String prev = mountMap.put(dev_t, created);
if (prev != null) {
created.next = prev;
} catch (NumberFormatException | NoSuchElementException nse) {
// oops.. either a new row type was introduced (not a big deal)
// or the file changed below our feet (because someone has mounted
// something). Let's retry once more
parseMounts(d, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WrappedIOException(e);
您可以在 this answer 中找到更多有用的信息(例如无用文件系统的通用路径)。请注意,/proc/mounts 和 /proc/mountinfo 的格式不同,后者是在前者之后引入的,以在不破坏向后兼容性的情况下改进其格式。
上面的代码不是金弹药——它并没有真正告诉你任何关于单个文件系统的信息,只是告诉你它们的路径和文件系统名称。你可以有理由相信,"vfat" 和 "ext4" 是有用的文件系统,而 "procfs" 是无用的,但像 "fuse" 这样的东西将保持神秘。您可以通过使用 android.os.storage.StorageManager
获取更多 user-friendly 文件系统名称(如 "SD Card")来增加上面代码的输出(当它们可用时(通过挂载路径匹配))。您还可以使用 StatFs 获取分区上的可用空闲 space — 无用的虚拟文件系统通常会 return 零空闲 space 和零可用 space 查询时。最后,如果您愿意,可以在决定是否向用户显示文件系统时考虑文件系统挂载选项。例如。 ro
对比 rw
,— read-only 文件系统挂载通常对您的用户来说用处不大。
当我向人们解释这个方法时,他们通常关心它的稳健性……它能在一些随机的垃圾电话上工作吗?它会在未来的 OS 版本中保持可用吗?这是我的看法:这个方法仍然比许多 reflection-based 建议的要好,— 在最坏的情况下,从 /proc/ 文件中读取将 return 你 IOException。它不会使您的应用程序崩溃或导致不可预知的行为,例如某些 reflection-based 黑客行为。
文件系统是官方 Linux API,由 Linux 内核开发人员维护。不可能通过指定不同的内核构建选项来删除它(例如,它是 OS 内核的强制性部分)。它已经存在多年,并且比大多数 Android API 保留了更好的向后兼容性。特别是 /proc/self/mountinfo 是 10 多年前创建的,将在除最古老的大多数现有 Android 版本中可用。
Android 开发者不正式支持 Linux-specific APIs。但他们也不会特意打破它们。 post-Lollipop Android 中最近的一些 SELinux 更改限制了对 /proc/
中某些文件的访问 — 因为它们允许应用程序暗中监视其他应用程序。这些更改专门使 /proc/self
可访问,因为 /proc/self 旨在仅公开应用程序自己的信息(包括有关文件系统的信息,可供应用程序使用)。
如果 Google 从 Linux 过渡到 Fuchensa 或其他一些本土 BSD 分支,/proc/ 和其他 Linux-specifc API 可能会崩溃。我关心的?不是真的。