OpenFOAM: FOAM FATAL ERROR: Unknown TurbulenceModel type RASModel

OpenFOAM: FOAM FATAL ERROR: Unknown TurbulenceModel type RASModel

我正在尝试关注 this OpenFOAM tutorial for using Gmsh to generate Axisymmetric mesh. The files are provided here。但是,当我尝试使用 pimpleFoam 求解器解决问题时,出现错误:

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR: Unknown TurbulenceModel type RASModel

Valid TurbulenceModel types:

3 ( LES RAS laminar )

From function static Foam::autoPtr > Foam::TurbulenceModel::New(const alphaField&, const rhoField&, const volVecto rField&, const surfaceScalarField&, const surfaceScalarField&, const transportMo del&, const Foam::word&) [with Alpha = Foam::geometricOneField; Rho = Foam::geom etricOneField; BasicTurbulenceModel = Foam::incompressibleTurbulenceModel; Trans portModel = Foam::transportModel; Foam::TurbulenceModel::alphaField = Foam::geometricOneField; Foam::Turbulenc eModel::rhoField = Foam::geome tricOneField; Foam::volVectorField = Foam::GeometricField; Foam::surfaceScalarField = Foam::GeometricFi eld; Foam::TurbulenceModel::transportModel = Foam::transportMo del] in file /opt/CFDSupportFOAM4.0/beta/OpenFOAM-dev/src/TurbulenceModels/turbul enceModels/lnInclude/TurbulenceModel.C at line 113.

this page 中所述,显然 case/constantturbulenceProperties 的语法已更改。所以我从以下位置编辑了 turbulenceProperties 文件:

simulationType RASModel;

simulationType RAS;

RASModel kEpsilon;

turbulence      on;

printCoeffs     on;


FOAM FATAL IO ERROR: attempt to read beyond EOF

file: .../Axisymmetric2D/case/system/fvSchemes.divSchemes.default at line 29.

From function virtual Foam::Istream& Foam::ITstream::read(Foam::token&) in file db/IOstreams/Tstreams/ITstream.C at line 82. FOAM exiting

本教程似乎适用于旧版本的 OpenFOAM。如果您能帮助我了解问题所在以及如何解决,我将不胜感激。

我的目标是学习如何使用 Gmsh 制作轴对称网格。所以新版本的 OpenFOAM 的开箱即用解决方案或教程也可以。

P.S。我已报告此问题 here in the Github repo

我可以通过查看 official OpenFOAM GitHub repo (version 2.3.x and version 5.x 中提供的 axisymmetricJet 模板的不同版本来解决问题。要进行的更改:

  1. case/constant/RASProperties末尾添加这些:
    Cmu 0.09;
    C1 1.44;
    C2 1.92;
    sigmaEps 1.3;
  1. case/constant/turbulenceProperties 中将行 simulationType RASModel; 替换为:
simulationType RAS;


        RASModel            kEpsilon;

        turbulence          on;
        printCoeffs         on;
  1. case/system/fvSchemes 中将行 div((nuEff*dev(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear; 更改为 div((nuEff*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear;

如果求解器按预期收敛。我仍然不知道这些变化意味着什么以及它们是如何工作的。我会在弄清楚后立即添加它们。我已经分叉 the GitHub repo here 包括所需的编辑。