Xamarin MacOS 应用程序在登录时启动

Xamarin MacOS app launch at login

我正在尝试让我的 Xamarin MacOS 应用程序在登录时达到 运行。环顾四周,我发现只有很老的主题,没有解决方案。


我的应用程序 运行s,默认具有管理员权限


这篇文章是我前段时间写的。它应该仍然有效 https://shamsutdinov.net/2016/09/27/how-to-launch-at-login-your-xamarin-mac-sandboxed-application/


您的应用应该 运行 在沙盒中: 在您的主应用程序中添加此代码

public class StartAtLoginOption
    static extern bool SMLoginItemSetEnabled(IntPtr aId, bool aEnabled);

    public static bool StartAtLogin(bool value)
        CoreFoundation.CFString id = new CoreFoundation.CFString("my.helper.app.bundle.id");
        return SMLoginItemSetEnabled(id.Handle, value);

创建一个只有 运行 后台运行的助手应用程序:


public override void DidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification)
    if (!NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.RunningApplications.Any(a => a.BundleIdentifier == "my.main.app.bundle.id"))
        var path = new NSString(NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath)
        var pathToExecutable = path + @"Contents/MacOS/LoginItemTestMain";

        if (NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.LaunchApplication(pathToExecutable)) { }
        else NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.LaunchApplication(path);



此方法也适用于 "non sandboxed" 应用。我不太喜欢它,但目前它正在运行:

public void SetAtLogin()
        //Checking if the app is in the login items or not
        var script = "tell application \"System Events\"\n get the name of every login item\n if login item \"AppNameTest\" exists then\n return true\n else\n return false\n end if\n end tell";
        NSAppleScript appleScript = new NSAppleScript(script);
        var errors = new NSDictionary();
        NSAppleEventDescriptor result = appleScript.ExecuteAndReturnError(out errors);
        var isLoginItem = result.BooleanValue;

        if (!isLoginItem)
            NSAppleScript login;
            //AppleScript to add app to login items
            script = "tell application \"System Events\"\n make new login item at end of login items with properties {name: \"AppNameTest\", path:\"/Applications/DayOne.app\", hidden:false}\n end tell";
            login = new NSAppleScript(script);
            var resul = login.ExecuteAndReturnError(out errors);