如何在 applescript 中将文本写入 iterm2 会话?

How to write text to a iterm2 session in applescript?

我正在尝试为 iTerm2 创建一个脚本,它将创建一个会话(通过拆分),然后将文本输入到新创建的会话中。如何激活新创建的会话?

tell application "iTerm"
    tell current session of current window
        split horizontally with default profile
    end tell

    -- Here is what I need help with?
    set _new_session to <what goes here> of current window
    tell _new_session
        write text "ls"
    end tell
end tell


tell application "iTerm"
    tell current session of current window
        split horizontally with default profile
    end tell

    tell current tab of current window
        set _new_session to last item of sessions
    end tell

    tell _new_session
        write text "ls"
    end tell
end tell

如果您的最终目标是在 shell 上执行脚本,您也可以使用

set sc to "ping google.com"
do shell script (quoted form of sc)