如何将 scala fs2 流转换为字符串?

how to convert scala fs2 stream to string?

我想知道如何将 Scala fs2 Stream 转换为字符串,来自 fs2 github 自述文件示例:

def converter[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): F[Unit] = {
  val path = "/Users/lorancechen/version_control_project/_unlimited-works/git-server/src/test/resources"

  io.file.readAll[F](Paths.get(s"$path/fs.txt"), 4096)
    .filter(s => !s.trim.isEmpty && !s.startsWith("//"))
    .map(line => fahrenheitToCelsius(line.toDouble).toString)


// at the end of the universe...
val u: Unit = converter[IO].unsafeRunSync()


如果您想要获取流中的所有 String 个元素 运行,您可以使用 runFold 实现它。一个简单的例子:

def converter[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): F[List[String]] = {
  val path = "/Users/lorancechen/version_control_project/_unlimited-works/git-server/src/test/resources"

  io.file.readAll[F](Paths.get(s"$path/fs.txt"), 4096)
    .filter(s => !s.trim.isEmpty && !s.startsWith("//"))
    .runFold(List.empty[String]) { case (acc, str) => str :: acc }


val list: List[String] = converter[IO].unsafeRunSync()

如果您有 Stream[F, String],您可以调用 .compile.string 将您的流转换为 F[String]

val s: Stream[IO, String] = ???
val io: IO[String] = s.compile.string
val str: String = io.unsafeRunSync()