使用 ninject 的依赖注入不起作用

Dependency Injection using ninject not working

我的目标很简单:我希望将 class "MainWindowVM"(实现 IMainWindowVM)的已经存在的实例注入 class "StaticTestsResultsViewModel"。我不(!)想要实例化 class "MainWindowVM" 的新实例。相反,我希望将此 class 的已经存在的实例注入 class "StaticTestsResultsViewModel".

My goal is simply this: I want the already existent instance of class "MainWindowVM" (implementing IMainWindowVM) to be injected into class "StaticTestsResultsViewModel". I do not(!) want a new instance of class "MainWindowVM" to be instantiated. Instead, I want the already existent instance of this class to be injected into class "StaticTestsResultsViewModel".



请记住,当您将 class 注册为单例时,这也隐含地使其所有依赖项也成为单例。参见 Captive Dependency。如果这对您的应用程序设计来说是不可接受的,您应该将存储共享 属性 的单例实例移动为 MainWindowVMnot 的依赖项 make MainWindowVM单例(如transient)。

                          PropertyHolder (Singleton)
MainWindowVM (Transient)
                          OtherDependency (Any scope shorter than singleton)