如何删除我的 link <a> 和它位于 <li> 中的列表项之间的所有填充?或者...点击 <li> 打开里面的 link ?

How can I remove all padding between my link <a> and the list item it lives in <li>? or... click on <li> opens the link inside of it?


<ul class='sub-menu'>
  <li><a href='something'>something</a></li>
  <li><a href='else'>else</a></li>
  <li><a href='another'>another</a></li>

我可以点击任何列表项的外部(li),link 打不开(就像 link 本身和列表项之间有填充住在)。我希望能够单击列表项的任何部分并打开其中的 link。

我一直在摆弄内联 CSS 来尝试强制执行我想要的行为,但仍然没有成功。有帮助吗?

给ul一个font-size: 0;然后在列表项或锚元素上设置字体大小。


.sub-menu li {
  position: relative;  /* to contain the absolute-positioned pseudo-element */

.sub-menu a:before {
  content: '';         /* required for most pseudo-elements */
  position: absolute;  /* absolutely positioned */
  top: 0;              /* ... at top of its list item */
  left: -50px;         /* ... to the left of its list item, including the bullet */
  right: 0;            /* to its list item's right */
  height: 100%;        /* the height of its list item */


.sub-menu li {
  position: relative;  /* to contain the absolute-positioned pseudo-element */

.sub-menu a:before {
  content: '';         /* required for most pseudo-elements */
  position: absolute;  /* absolutely positioned */
  top: 0;              /* ... at top of its list item */
  left: -50px;         /* ... to the left of its list item, including the bullet */
  right: 0;            /* to its list item's right */
  height: 100%;        /* the height of its list item */
<ul class='sub-menu'>
  <li><a href='something'>something</a></li>
  <li><a href='else'>else</a></li>
  <li><a href='another'>another</a></li>