
Shrinkable mat-toolbar




<div style="height: 85vh;">

  <mat-toolbar color="primary" mat-scroll-shrink>
    <span class="example-spacer"></span>
    <div fxShow="true" fxHide.lt-md="true">
      <!-- The following menu items will be hidden on both SM and XS screen sizes -->
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    <div fxShow="true" fxHide.gt-sm="true">
      <a href="#" (click)="sidenav.open()">Show Side Menu</a>

  <mat-sidenav-container fxFlexFill class="example-container">
    <mat-sidenav #sidenav fxLayout="column">
      <div fxLayout="column">
        <a (click)="sidenav.close()" href="#" mat-button>Close</a>
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    <mat-sidenav-content fxFlexFill>

      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
      <p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>



我不会 post angular 5 代码的其余部分,只需按照示例重新创建 - 它非常快。




2018 年 11 月更新

ScrollDispatchModule 已弃用 Angular CDK v7。请改用 ScrollingModule

我创建了一个 Stackblitz,其中的工具栏在向下滚动时会缩小。


使用 CdkScrollDispatcher 服务对滚动事件做出反应

  1. 在您的模块中导入 ScrollDispatchModule
import {ScrollDispatchModule} from '@angular/cdk/scrolling';
  1. 标记滚动事件与指令cdkScrollable相关的容器,这里是mat-sidenav-content.
 <mat-sidenav-content fxFlexFill cdkScrollable>
  1. 响应组件 ngOnInit 中的滚动事件,获取 scrollTop 位置,如果它大于某个阈值则设置标志:
private readonly SHRINK_TOP_SCROLL_POSITION = 50;
shrinkToolbar = false;

constructor(private scrollDispatcher: ScrollDispatcher,
            private ngZone: NgZone) { }

ngOnInit() {
      map((event: CdkScrollable) => event.getElementRef().nativeElement.scrollTop)
    .subscribe(scrollTop => this.ngZone.run(() => this.shrinkToolbar = scrollTop > this.SHRINK_TOP_SCROLL_POSITION ? true : false));

您需要使用 ngZone 运行 因为 ScrollDispatcherscrolled() 事件默认在 Angular 之外 运行。没有它,ChangeDetection 将不会 运行 并且您的模板将不会更新。


  1. 在容器向下滚动时添加收缩cssclass
<mat-toolbar color="primary" [ngClass]="{'shrink-toolbar': shrinkToolbar}">
  1. 收缩布局定义cssclass。
.shrink-toolbar {
  height: 32px;

official docs 中查找有关滚动服务的更多信息。