未知错误 - cmdlet Invoke-SCScript
Unknown error - cmdlet Invoke-SCScript
using Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager;
using Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.UIAddIns;
using Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.UIAddIns.ContextTypes;
using Microsoft.VirtualManager.Remoting;
using System;
using System.AddIn;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.AddIns.BackupAddIn
[AddIn("Make Backup")]
public class BackupAddIn : ActionAddInBase
protected const string PowershellPath = "%WINDIR%\System32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe";
protected const string DefaultDirectory = "C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2";
protected const string WildcardVMName = "{{VMName}}";
protected const string WildcardError = "{{Error}}";
protected const string BackupDirectoryBase = "{{Base}}";
protected const string BackupDirectoryName = "{{Name}}";
protected const string BackupDirectoryDate = "{{Date}}";
public enum JobState { Initialized, Success, Fail };
protected const string BackupDirectoryTemplate = BackupDirectoryBase + "\" + BackupDirectoryName + "\" + BackupDirectoryDate + "\";
protected static readonly ReadOnlyCollection<string> AllowedBackupStates = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(new string[] { "PowerOff", "Paused"/*, "Saved"*/});
public override bool CheckIfEnabledFor(IList<ContextObject> contextObjects)
if (contextObjects != null && contextObjects.Count > 0)
foreach (var host in contextObjects.OfType<HostContext>())
if (host.ComputerState != ComputerState.Responding)
return false;
return true;
return false;
public override void PerformAction(IList<ContextObject> contextObjects)
if (contextObjects != null)
// check if we have VMs selected
var VMs = contextObjects.OfType<VMContext>();
if (VMs != null && VMs.Count() > 0)
// check if VMs are in a good state
var badVMs = VMs.Where(vm => AllowedBackupStates.Contains(vm.Status.ToString()) == false).ToArray();
if (badVMs != null && badVMs.Length > 0)
MessageBox.Show("Backup not possible!\r\nThe following VMs are still running:\r\n\r\n" + string.Join(", ", badVMs.Select(vm => vm.Name)));
// ask for backup directory
string backupDir = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Enter a path on the host to export the selected virtual machine(s) to.", "Export path", DefaultDirectory);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupDir) == false)
if (backupDir.EndsWith("\"))
backupDir = backupDir.Substring(0, backupDir.Length - 1);
// go
/*foreach (var vm in VMs)
exportVM(vm, backupDir);
// testing to export multiple vms in one invoke
exportVMs(VMs, backupDir);
public string getDate()
var date = DateTime.Now;
return date.Year.ToString()
+ (date.Month < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.Month.ToString()
+ (date.Day < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.Day.ToString()
+ "_"
+ (date.Hour < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.Hour.ToString()
+ (date.Minute < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.Minute.ToString();
public void ManageJob(string name, JobState state, string message = null)
string command;
if (state == JobState.Initialized)
command = string.Format("New-SCExternalJob -Name \"{0}\"", name);
else if (state == JobState.Success)
command = string.Format("Set-SCExternalJob -Job (Get-SCJob -Name \"{0}\")[0] -Complete -InfoMessage \"" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ? "Backup successfully started." : message.Replace("\"", "'")) + "\"", name);
command = string.Format("Set-SCExternalJob -Job (Get-SCJob -Name \"{0}\")[0] -Failed -InfoMessage \"" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ? "Backup FAILED." : message.Replace("\"", "'")) + "\"", name);
(profiles, error) =>
if (error != null)
MessageBox.Show("Cannot modify job state\r\nError: " + error.Problem);
public void exportVMs(IEnumerable<VMContext> VMs, string backupDir)
string date = getDate();
string VMS = "";
string fullBackupDirS = BackupDirectoryTemplate.Replace(BackupDirectoryBase, backupDir).Replace(BackupDirectoryName, "_VMBackups").Replace(BackupDirectoryDate, date);
VMS = "'" + string.Join("', '", VMs.Select(vm => vm.Name).ToArray()) + "'";
string command = string.Format("Export-VM -Name {0} -Path '{1}'", VMS, fullBackupDirS);
// We need to manager jobs in another thread probably --------------------------------------------------------------!!!
string jobname = "Starting_backup_of_multiple_machines";
mkShortcuts(backupDir, date, VMs.Select(vm => vm.Name).ToArray(), VMs.First());
//! execPSScript(jobname, scvmmPsCommand(command, VMs.First()), VMs.First(), WildcardVMName + ": Backup successful.", WildcardVMName + ": Backup FAILED!\r\nError: " + WildcardError, backupDir, date, VMs.Select(vm => vm.Name).ToArray());
public String scvmmPsCommand(string command, VMContext vm, string appPath = PowershellPath)
return string.Format("Invoke-SCScriptCommand -Executable {0} -VMHost (Get-SCVMHost -ID \"{1}\") -CommandParameters \"{2}\" -RunAsynchronous -TimeoutSeconds 360000", appPath, vm.VMHostId.ToString(), command);
// Make a shortcut from the machines backup directory to the backup in the "_VMBackups"-folder
public void mkShortcuts(string path, string date, string[] names, VMContext vm)
string command = "$shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell;";
foreach (var n in names)
command = command + string.Format(" $shortc = $shell.CreateShortcut('{0}\{1}\{2}.lnk'); $shortc.TargetPath = '{0}\_VMBackup\{2}\{1}'; $shortc.Save();", path, n, date);
string fullCommand = scvmmPsCommand(command, vm);
execPSScript("Create_ShortcutS", fullCommand, vm, "Shortcut(s) created.", "FAILED to create Shortcut(s)!");
public void execPSScript(string jobname, string command, VMContext vm, string successMessage, string errorMessage, string path = "", string date = "", string[] names = null)
ManageJob(jobname, JobState.Initialized);
(vms, error) =>
if (error != null)
ManageJob(jobname, JobState.Fail, errorMessage.Replace(WildcardVMName, vm.Name).Replace(WildcardError, error.Problem));
ManageJob(jobname, JobState.Success, successMessage.Replace(WildcardVMName, vm.Name));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) == false)
//mkShortcuts(path, date, names, vm);
当我 运行 插件时,我收到一个错误框,内容如下:"Unknown script-error. Expression not closed - ")" missing.
+ ... andard'; .Save();
+ ~
An expression was expected after '('.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordEx
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExpectedExpression". Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Standardfehlerprotokoll "C:\Windows\TEMP\gce_stderrord07b04547c74493caa6bdba9087df444.log".
但是我在我的代码中找不到错误,因为它在手动输入主机上的 powershell 时有效,并且 .Save() 不带任何参数。你有什么想法吗?
command2 = command2 + string.Format(" = $shell.CreateShortcut(\"C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\test.lnk\"); .TargetPath = \"{0}\_VMBackup\{2}\{1}\"; .Save();", backupDir, vm.Name, date);
command2 = command2 + string.Format(" $shortc = $shell.CreateShortcut(\"C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\test.lnk\"); $shortc.TargetPath = \"{0}\_VMBackup\{2}\{1}\"; $shortc.Save();", backupDir, vm.Name, date);
command2 = "'" + command2 + "'"
基本上,问题在于将命令字符串传递给 PowerShell 以执行的方式。
PowerShell 将检查字符串并尝试枚举所有变量。这不是期望的行为。试图用单引号将整个字符串括起来,但这没有帮助。
command2 = command2 + string.Format(" `$shortc = `$shell.CreateShortcut(\"C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\test.lnk\"); `$shortc.TargetPath = \"{0}\_VMBackup\{2}\{1}\"; `$shortc.Save();", backupDir, vm.Name, date);
using Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager;
using Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.UIAddIns;
using Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.UIAddIns.ContextTypes;
using Microsoft.VirtualManager.Remoting;
using System;
using System.AddIn;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.AddIns.BackupAddIn
[AddIn("Make Backup")]
public class BackupAddIn : ActionAddInBase
protected const string PowershellPath = "%WINDIR%\System32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe";
protected const string DefaultDirectory = "C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2";
protected const string WildcardVMName = "{{VMName}}";
protected const string WildcardError = "{{Error}}";
protected const string BackupDirectoryBase = "{{Base}}";
protected const string BackupDirectoryName = "{{Name}}";
protected const string BackupDirectoryDate = "{{Date}}";
public enum JobState { Initialized, Success, Fail };
protected const string BackupDirectoryTemplate = BackupDirectoryBase + "\" + BackupDirectoryName + "\" + BackupDirectoryDate + "\";
protected static readonly ReadOnlyCollection<string> AllowedBackupStates = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(new string[] { "PowerOff", "Paused"/*, "Saved"*/});
public override bool CheckIfEnabledFor(IList<ContextObject> contextObjects)
if (contextObjects != null && contextObjects.Count > 0)
foreach (var host in contextObjects.OfType<HostContext>())
if (host.ComputerState != ComputerState.Responding)
return false;
return true;
return false;
public override void PerformAction(IList<ContextObject> contextObjects)
if (contextObjects != null)
// check if we have VMs selected
var VMs = contextObjects.OfType<VMContext>();
if (VMs != null && VMs.Count() > 0)
// check if VMs are in a good state
var badVMs = VMs.Where(vm => AllowedBackupStates.Contains(vm.Status.ToString()) == false).ToArray();
if (badVMs != null && badVMs.Length > 0)
MessageBox.Show("Backup not possible!\r\nThe following VMs are still running:\r\n\r\n" + string.Join(", ", badVMs.Select(vm => vm.Name)));
// ask for backup directory
string backupDir = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Enter a path on the host to export the selected virtual machine(s) to.", "Export path", DefaultDirectory);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupDir) == false)
if (backupDir.EndsWith("\"))
backupDir = backupDir.Substring(0, backupDir.Length - 1);
// go
/*foreach (var vm in VMs)
exportVM(vm, backupDir);
// testing to export multiple vms in one invoke
exportVMs(VMs, backupDir);
public string getDate()
var date = DateTime.Now;
return date.Year.ToString()
+ (date.Month < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.Month.ToString()
+ (date.Day < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.Day.ToString()
+ "_"
+ (date.Hour < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.Hour.ToString()
+ (date.Minute < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.Minute.ToString();
public void ManageJob(string name, JobState state, string message = null)
string command;
if (state == JobState.Initialized)
command = string.Format("New-SCExternalJob -Name \"{0}\"", name);
else if (state == JobState.Success)
command = string.Format("Set-SCExternalJob -Job (Get-SCJob -Name \"{0}\")[0] -Complete -InfoMessage \"" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ? "Backup successfully started." : message.Replace("\"", "'")) + "\"", name);
command = string.Format("Set-SCExternalJob -Job (Get-SCJob -Name \"{0}\")[0] -Failed -InfoMessage \"" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ? "Backup FAILED." : message.Replace("\"", "'")) + "\"", name);
(profiles, error) =>
if (error != null)
MessageBox.Show("Cannot modify job state\r\nError: " + error.Problem);
public void exportVMs(IEnumerable<VMContext> VMs, string backupDir)
string date = getDate();
string VMS = "";
string fullBackupDirS = BackupDirectoryTemplate.Replace(BackupDirectoryBase, backupDir).Replace(BackupDirectoryName, "_VMBackups").Replace(BackupDirectoryDate, date);
VMS = "'" + string.Join("', '", VMs.Select(vm => vm.Name).ToArray()) + "'";
string command = string.Format("Export-VM -Name {0} -Path '{1}'", VMS, fullBackupDirS);
// We need to manager jobs in another thread probably --------------------------------------------------------------!!!
string jobname = "Starting_backup_of_multiple_machines";
mkShortcuts(backupDir, date, VMs.Select(vm => vm.Name).ToArray(), VMs.First());
//! execPSScript(jobname, scvmmPsCommand(command, VMs.First()), VMs.First(), WildcardVMName + ": Backup successful.", WildcardVMName + ": Backup FAILED!\r\nError: " + WildcardError, backupDir, date, VMs.Select(vm => vm.Name).ToArray());
public String scvmmPsCommand(string command, VMContext vm, string appPath = PowershellPath)
return string.Format("Invoke-SCScriptCommand -Executable {0} -VMHost (Get-SCVMHost -ID \"{1}\") -CommandParameters \"{2}\" -RunAsynchronous -TimeoutSeconds 360000", appPath, vm.VMHostId.ToString(), command);
// Make a shortcut from the machines backup directory to the backup in the "_VMBackups"-folder
public void mkShortcuts(string path, string date, string[] names, VMContext vm)
string command = "$shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell;";
foreach (var n in names)
command = command + string.Format(" $shortc = $shell.CreateShortcut('{0}\{1}\{2}.lnk'); $shortc.TargetPath = '{0}\_VMBackup\{2}\{1}'; $shortc.Save();", path, n, date);
string fullCommand = scvmmPsCommand(command, vm);
execPSScript("Create_ShortcutS", fullCommand, vm, "Shortcut(s) created.", "FAILED to create Shortcut(s)!");
public void execPSScript(string jobname, string command, VMContext vm, string successMessage, string errorMessage, string path = "", string date = "", string[] names = null)
ManageJob(jobname, JobState.Initialized);
(vms, error) =>
if (error != null)
ManageJob(jobname, JobState.Fail, errorMessage.Replace(WildcardVMName, vm.Name).Replace(WildcardError, error.Problem));
ManageJob(jobname, JobState.Success, successMessage.Replace(WildcardVMName, vm.Name));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) == false)
//mkShortcuts(path, date, names, vm);
当我 运行 插件时,我收到一个错误框,内容如下:"Unknown script-error. Expression not closed - ")" missing.
+ ... andard'; .Save();
+ ~
An expression was expected after '('.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordEx
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExpectedExpression". Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Standardfehlerprotokoll "C:\Windows\TEMP\gce_stderrord07b04547c74493caa6bdba9087df444.log".
但是我在我的代码中找不到错误,因为它在手动输入主机上的 powershell 时有效,并且 .Save() 不带任何参数。你有什么想法吗?
command2 = command2 + string.Format(" = $shell.CreateShortcut(\"C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\test.lnk\"); .TargetPath = \"{0}\_VMBackup\{2}\{1}\"; .Save();", backupDir, vm.Name, date);
command2 = command2 + string.Format(" $shortc = $shell.CreateShortcut(\"C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\test.lnk\"); $shortc.TargetPath = \"{0}\_VMBackup\{2}\{1}\"; $shortc.Save();", backupDir, vm.Name, date);
command2 = "'" + command2 + "'"
这没有用,其他很多东西也没有用。 基本上,问题在于将命令字符串传递给 PowerShell 以执行的方式。 PowerShell 将检查字符串并尝试枚举所有变量。这不是期望的行为。试图用单引号将整个字符串括起来,但这没有帮助。 最后的解决方案是使用PowerShell转义字符“`”来屏蔽所有变量名。
command2 = command2 + string.Format(" `$shortc = `$shell.CreateShortcut(\"C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\test.lnk\"); `$shortc.TargetPath = \"{0}\_VMBackup\{2}\{1}\"; `$shortc.Save();", backupDir, vm.Name, date);