如何在不使用 mcrypt 的情况下使用 PHP 解密 ClickBank 通知数据?

How can I decrypt ClickBank notification data using PHP without mcrypt?

Mcrypt 已被弃用多年,最终从 php 中消失。不幸的是,我需要从 ClickBank 解码加密数据,他们的文档只提供 mcrypt 解决方案。

这是从他们的文档中删除的。没有 mcrypt_decode() 我怎么能做到这一点?

$secretKey = "YOUR SECRET KEY"; // secret key from your ClickBank account

// get JSON from raw body...
$message = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));

// Pull out the encrypted notification and the initialization vector for
// AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding decryption
$encrypted = $message->{'notification'};
$iv        = $message->{'iv'};
error_log("IV: $iv");

// decrypt the body...
$decrypted = trim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,
                             substr(sha1($secretKey), 0, 32),
                             base64_decode($iv)), "[=11=]..");
error_log("Decrypted: $decrypted");

////UTF8 Encoding, remove escape back slashes, and convert the decrypted string to a JSON object...
$sanitizedData = utf8_encode(stripslashes($decrypted));
$order         = json_decode($decrypted);
$notification_array = json_decode(utf8_encode(stripslashes(trim(openssl_decrypt($encrypted,
                                 substr(sha1($secretKey), 0, 32),
                                 OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, base64_decode($iv)), "[=10=].."))), true);