FOSRestBundle + Symfony 3.4:无法识别休息类型

FOSRestBundle + Symfony 3.4 : rest type not reconized

我正在使用带有 FOSUserBundle 的 Symfony 3.4,我已经从 Symfony 3.3 导入了我的项目,现在,我有一个错误:

Class could not be determined for Controller identified by "api.yaml" in api.yaml (which is being imported from "/home/user/project/config/routes.yaml"). Make sure there is a loa
der supporting the "rest" type.

这是我的 config/routes.yaml 文件:

# Some routes...

# Api rest
    type:     rest
    resource: "api.yaml"
    prefix: /api

还有我的文件 config/api.yaml :
    type:     rest
    resource: App\Controller\REST\MediaApi
    name_prefix: api_rest_media_

    type:     rest
    resource: App\Controller\REST\FeedsApi
    name_prefix: api_rest_media_feeds_
    type:     rest
    resource: App\Controller\REST\IndexersApi
    name_prefix: api_rest_media_indexers_

FOSRestBundle 在 Bundle.php 中使用以下行启用:

FOS\RestBundle\FOSRestBundle::class => ["all" => true]

这是从 .yml 移动到 .yaml 的问题,修复已合并,但新版本尚未发布,您可以尝试要求分支 2.3-dev ,这应该可以解决您的问题。