如何在 Kotlin 中使用 Java 的按位运算符?

How do I use Java's bitwise operators in Kotlin?

Java 有 binary-or |binary-and & 运算符:

int a = 5 | 10;
int b = 5 & 10;

它们似乎在 Kotlin 中不起作用:

val a = 5 | 10;
val b = 5 & 10;

如何在 Kotlin 中使用 Java 的按位运算符?


直接来自Kotlin docs

Bitwise operations are represented by functions that can be called in infix form. They can be applied only to Int and Long.


val x = (1 shl 2) and 0x000FF000


shl(bits) – signed shift left (Java's <<)
shr(bits) – signed shift right (Java's >>)
ushr(bits) – unsigned shift right (Java's >>>)
and(bits) – bitwise and
or(bits) – bitwise or
xor(bits) – bitwise xor
inv() – bitwise inversion

你可以在 Kotlin 中做到这一点

val a = 5 or 10;
val b = 5 and 10;


shl(bits) – signed shift left (Java's <<)
shr(bits) – signed shift right (Java's >>)
ushr(bits) – unsigned shift right (Java's >>>)
and(bits) – bitwise and
or(bits) – bitwise or
xor(bits) – bitwise xor
inv() – bitwise inversion

这目前不受支持,但很可能会被新的 Kotlin 编译器 K2 支持,请参阅 Roman Elizarov's comment on the YouTrack issue KT-1440

KT-46756 for the upcoming alpha release and keep an eye on the roadmap



 byte dataHigh = (byte) ((data[byteOffset] & 0xF0) >> 4);


val d = (data[byteOffset] and 0xF0.toByte())
val dataHigh = (d.toInt() shr 4).toByte()