flake8: E743 函数定义不明确 'O'

flake8: E743 ambiguous function definition 'O'

当我在一个只有一行的文件上 运行 flake8 时:def O(): pass 我得到了以下错误,尽管函数 运行 很好:

/tmp/a.py:1:5: E743 ambiguous function definition 'O'

为什么 flake8 失败了?为什么我不只是收到警告?


Do not define functions named 'l', 'o', or 'i' (E743)
Functions named I, O, and l can be very hard to read. This is because the letter I and the letter l are easily confused, and the letter O and the number 0 can be easily confused.

Change the names of these functions to something more descriptive.

Additional links
- https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#names-to-avoid

flake8 is a utility for enforcing pep8 style consistency across Python projects, and according to pep8 function naming conventions: Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability.

如果你想让 flake8 忽略这个特定的错误(这有悖于 linting 的目的)要么将它添加到你的 setup.cfg 文件中:

ignore = E743

或运行它使用以下选项:flake8 --ignore=E743

但是,如果您只希望 flake8 不会失败并且只显示警告,则必须 运行 使用 --exit-zero:

flake8 --exit-zero