Strip 在 rails 中无法正常工作

Strip not working properly in rails


s = "        \r\n Displays the unique ID number assigned to the\r\nAlias Person."

我想删除这个开头 space 但它甚至连这些引号也没有删除。


s = s.strip!
s = s.gsub!('"','')

代码没有问题。如果您试图从字符串的开头和结尾删除引号,它不会被删除。这就是 ruby 表示字符串的方式。尝试用这样的单引号定义一个字符串:-

2.4.2 :005 > str = 'aaa'
 => "aaa" 


p "        \r\n Displays the unique ID number assigned to the\r\nAlias Person."
p "        \r\n Displays the unique ID number assigned to the\r\nAlias Person."


[32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 13, 10, 32, ...]
[160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 13, 10, 32, ...]


string = "        \r\n Displays the unique ID number assigned to the\r\nAlias Person."
p string.chars.reject { |char| char.ord == 160 }.join
# "\r\n Displays the unique ID number assigned to the\r\nAlias Person."