将条件移动到 Class 时出错

Error With Moving Conditional To Class

我正在开发涉及实施一些重构技术的硬件,但我 运行 遇到了一个我似乎无法发现的错误。我有以下方法,该方法最初位于 Fish class 中,我移入了名为 Strategy

的 class
public class Strategy
    public void move (Fish fish, Pond pond)
        if (fish.getHunger() < 0.2)
            if (fish.getSize() < 7.0)
                double[] location = pond.findNearestPlant(fish.getX(), fish.getY());
                fish.swimTowards(location[0], location[1]);
                double[] location = pond.findNearestSmallFish(fish.getX(), fish.getY());
                fish.swimTowards(location[0], location[1]);
            // There are more conditionals in this block.  I haven't done anything with them yet so I didn't put them in.

我正在尝试将 if 块中的条件转换为 2 个单独的 classes,它们也位于我的 Strategy.java 文件中。

class SmallFish extends Strategy
    public void move (Fish fish, Pond pond)
        double[] location = pond.findNearestPlant(fish.getX(), fish.getY());
        fish.swimTowards(location[0], location[1]);

class BigFish extends Strategy
    public void move (Fish fish, Pond pond)
        double[] location = pond.findNearestSmallFish(fish.getX(), fish.getY());
        fish.swimTowards(location[0], location[1]);

回到 Fish class 我添加了几行代码来确定调用哪个 class:

import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Random;

public class Fish
    private static Random random = new Random();
    private static int numberOfFish = 0;

    private double hunger;
    private double size;
    private double x;
    private double y;
    private int id;

    // I added this line
    private Strategy strategy;

    private FishReport myFishReport = null;

    public Fish(double x, double y, FishReport report)
        hunger = 0.9;
        size = 1.0;

        // Put it in the pond
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

        id = numberOfFish;

        // I added this code
        if (hunger < 0.2 && size < 7.0)
            this.strategy = new SmallFish();
        else if (hunger < 0.2 && size >= 7.0)
            this.strategy = new BigFish();
            this.strategy = new Strategy();

        myFishReport = report;
        if(myFishReport != null)
            myFishReport.updateLocation(x, y);

    public void age(double timePassed)
        double deltaSize = size * (1 + hunger * Math.exp(-size * timePassed));
        size = size + deltaSize;

        hunger = hunger * Math.exp(-deltaSize/size);


    public void move(Pond pond)
        strategy.move(this, pond);

    // More methods below that I did not touch.  Left out to keep code as short as possible.

我的测试套件在添加 SmallFish class 后仍然通过,但在添加 BigFish class:


JUnit Test Results:
testMoveStarving(FishTests): Starving fish should move expected:<10.2981> but was:<10.3965129880783>
Total number of tests: 8
Total number of failures: 1


public void testMoveStarving()
    // Create a new fish and report
    FishReport report = new FishReport();
    Fish fish = new Fish(10, 20, report);

    // Make a pond
    Pond pond = new Pond();

    // Grow the fish until starving

    // Move the fish, and check the new location

    // Check the new location
    assertEquals("Starving fish should move", 10.2981, report.getLocation()[0], 0.001);
    assertEquals("Starving fish should move", 20.5963, report.getLocation()[1], 0.001);

我唯一能想到的是我在 Fish 构造函数中对 BigFish class 的条件不准确。我已经盯着这个看一个多小时了,所以我想我只需要另一双眼睛来指出我哪里出错了。如果有比 Fish 构造函数中的条件更极端的东西,请尝试给出提示而不是答案。就像我说的,这是硬件作业的一部分。


编辑 1 - 我忘记在 Fish class 中添加更改后的 move() 方法。现在已经修复了。

编辑 2 - 失败的测试已发布。测试调用 Fish class 中的 age() 方法,所以我也添加了它。

不知道你的代码的其余部分是什么样子,但如果鱼的 sizehunger 在构造后发生变化,你将不再使用正确的策略。 (就目前而言,您所有的鱼都将使用 Strategy 策略,而不是 BigFishSmallFish。)

将策略选择保留在 move 方法中而不是构造函数中可能更有意义。