
Pushing data into an array that's inside of an array

所以这可能以前有人问过,或者我可能只是以一种完全奇怪的方式使用数组。无论如何,我想要做的是有一个数组,比方说.. $replacements = array(); 这个数组包括 keys[=44= 的所有数据] 和 替换 。不知道如何描述它,但这就是这个想法的来源:click——现在,假设我有如上所述的这个数组,我试图在我的函数内部附加到数组,一个选项允许您将一个键限制为一组动态页面。这就是我想象中的数组的样子:

array() {
    ["key1"] => "result"
    ["key2"] => "result2"
    ["key3 etc"] => "result3 etc"


array() {
    ["key1"] => "result"
    ["key2"] => "result2"
    ["key3 etc"] => "result3 etc"
    "homepage" = array() {
        ["home_key1"] => "this is a key in the homepage only"
        ["two_page_restricted"] => "this is a replacement in two restricted pages only"
    "newspage" = array() {
        ["two_page_restricted"] => "this is a replacement in two restricted pages only"


function addTranslation($key, $replacement, $restricted = null) {
    if($restricted == null)
        array_push($this->translations, $key, $replacement);
        //array_push($this->translations, )

最后,我想要完成的是,如果 $restricted 不是 null 然后追加从它到 $this->translations 而不会干扰其他键。提前感谢您的任何帮助。

编辑: 如果有帮助,这就是我使用函数的方式:

两个页面: $class->addTranslation("{key}", "this is a key", array("homepage", "newspage");

对于任何页面: $class->addTranslation("{key}", "this is a key");

编辑2: 澄清一下,这是 PHP 而不是 JavaScript。



var result = firstarray.key1;



然后如果你想使用 PHP 从数组中拉出一个字段你想这样做





class EntryHandler
    private $entries;

    function addEntry($key, $value, array $subArrayKeys = null) 
        if($subArrayKeys == null)
            $this->entries[$key] = $value;
            return; // Skip the subArrayKeys handling

        foreach($subArrayKeys as $subArrayKey)
            // Initialize the sub array if it does not exist yet
            if(!array_key_exists($subArrayKey, $this->entries))
                $this->entries[$subArrayKey] = [];
            // Add the value
            $this->entries[$subArrayKey][$key] = $value;

话虽如此,您指定此追加操作不应 "interfere with other keys"。在那种情况下,您描述您期望的数组的方式根本行不通。 使用这样的结构,您将无法获得具有相同值的翻译键和受限页面名称。

我认为这里正确的方法是采用一致的结构,其中多维数组的每一层都包含相同类型的数据。考虑到您的用例,您可以引入一个 "default" 域,除了页面特定的翻译之外,您还可以将其用作翻译的基础。

这是从我的一个项目中摘取的一小部分 class,据我所知,我根据您的用例对其进行了调整。它按照您为字符串处理部分链接的 post 中的建议使用 strtr

class Translator
    const DEFAULT_DOMAIN = '_default'; // A string that you are forbidden to use as a page specific domain name
    const KEY_PREFIX = '{';
    const KEY_SUFFIX = '}';

    private $translations = [];    

    public function addTranslation($key, $translation, array $domains = null)
        // If no domain is specified, we add the translation to the default domain
        $domains = $domains == null ? [self::DEFAULT_DOMAIN] : $domains;
        foreach($domains as $domain)
            // Initialize the sub array of the domain if it does not exist yet
            if(!array_key_exists($domain, $this->translations))
                $this->translations[$domain] = [];

            $this->translations[$domain][$key] = $translation;

    public function process($str, $domain = null)
        return strtr($str, $this->getReplacePairs($domain));

    private function getReplacePairs($domain = null)
        // If the domain is null, we use the default one, if not we merge the default 
        // translations with the domain specific ones (the latter will override the default one) 
        $replaceArray = $domain == null 
            ? $this->translations[self::DEFAULT_DOMAIN] ?? [] 
            : array_merge($this->translations[self::DEFAULT_DOMAIN] ?? [], $this->translations[$domain] ?? []);

        // Then we add the prefix and suffix for each key
        $replacePairs = [];
        foreach($replaceArray as $baseKey => $translation)
            $replacePairs[$this->generateTranslationKey($baseKey)] = $translation;

        return $replacePairs;

    private function generateTranslationKey($base)
        return self::KEY_PREFIX . $base . self::KEY_SUFFIX;


$translator = new Translator();
$translator->addTranslation('title', 'This is the default title');
$translator->addTranslation('title', 'This is the homepage title', ['homepage']);

$testString = '{title} - {homepage}';
echo $translator->process($testString, 'random_domain'); // Outputs "This is the default title - {homepage}"
echo '<hr/>';
echo $translator->process($testString, 'homepage');  // Outputs "This is the homepage title - {homepage}"


This is the default title - {homepage}<hr/>This is the homepage title - {homepage}