
Why doesn't multiprocessing pool map speed up compared to serial map?

我有这个非常简单的 python 代码,我想通过并行化它来加快速度。然而,无论我做什么,multiprocessing.Pool.map 都没有获得超过标准地图的任何东西。





import numpy, time

def AddNoise(sample):
    return sample + numpy.random.randint(0,9,sample.shape)
    #return sample + numpy.ones(sample.shape)

start = time.time()
A = list([ numpy.random.randint(0,9,(n,n)) for i in range(m) ])
print("creating %d numpy arrays of %d x %d took %.2f seconds"%(m,n,n,time.time()-start))

for i in range(3):
    start = time.time()
    A = list(map(AddNoise, A))
    print("adding numpy arrays took %.2f seconds"%(time.time()-start))

for i in range(3):
    import multiprocessing
    start = time.time()
    with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=2) as pool:
        A = list(pool.map(AddNoise, A, chunksize=100))
    print("adding numpy arrays with multiprocessing Pool took %.2f seconds"%(time.time()-start))

for i in range(3):
    import concurrent.futures
    start = time.time()
    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
        A = list(executor.map(AddNoise, A))
    print("adding numpy arrays with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor took %.2f seconds"%(time.time()-start))

这会在我的 4-core/8-thread 笔记本电脑上产生以下输出,否则它是空闲的

$ python test-pool.py 
creating 10000 numpy arrays of 100 x 100 took 1.54 seconds
adding numpy arrays took 1.65 seconds
adding numpy arrays took 1.51 seconds
adding numpy arrays took 1.51 seconds
adding numpy arrays with multiprocessing Pool took 1.99 seconds
adding numpy arrays with multiprocessing Pool took 1.98 seconds
adding numpy arrays with multiprocessing Pool took 1.94 seconds
adding numpy arrays with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor took 3.32 seconds
adding numpy arrays with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor took 3.17 seconds
adding numpy arrays with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor took 3.25 seconds


我检查了这个以这种方式修改 AddNoise 函数,它保留了计算时间,但丢弃了传输时间:

def AddNoise(sample):
   sample + numpy.random.randint(0,9,sample.shape)
   return None