Finding the Hishest Score. ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

Finding the Hishest Score. ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

我正在创建一个测验,其中每个用户的分数都保存到一个外部文本文件中。但是,每当我在数学简单测验中输出最高分的报告时,它都会说:ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

这似乎是问题所在: if highestScore <= int(line.strip()):

        with open("mathsEasy.txt") as mathsEasyFile:
        highestScore = 0
        for line in mathsEasyFile:
            if highestScore <= int(line.strip()):
                highestScore = int(line.strip())

    print "The highest score is", highestScore

基本上,每次用户做数学简单测验时,它都会将他们的分数保存到名为 mathsEasy.txt 的文本文件中 文本文件如下所示: the username : score 例如 Kat15 : 4 我只需要输出最高分,而不是用户名。


  • 它可能只是在 Whosebug 中进行格式化,但要确保你的缩进是正确的;在 mathsEasyFile: 之后,您可能想要缩进最后的打印语句以外的所有内容。
  • 我认为您会想要添加类似 lines = mathsEasyFile.readlines() 的内容并使用类似 for line in lines: 的内容进行迭代。我不相信您当前的设置没有读取任何文件内容。 不正确。请参阅下面的评论。
  • mathsEasyFile.close() 已通过使用 with 语句
  • 为您完成


# something like this ought to work
with open("mathsEasy.txt") as mathsEasyFile:
    highestScore = 0
    for line in mathsEasyFile:
        if highestScore <= int(line.strip()):
            highestScore = int(line.strip())

print "The highest score is", highestScore


with open("mathsEasy.txt") as mathsEasyFile:
    highestScore = max(int(line.split(' : ')[1]) for line in mathsEasyFile if len(line.strip() != 0)
print("The highest score is %d" % highestScore)


highestScore = 0 # in my previous code, I use max() instead
with open("mathsEasy.txt") as mathsEasyFile: # open the file
    for line in mathsEasyFile: # for each line in the file,
        if len(line.strip()) == 0: # if the current line is empty,
            continue # ignore it and keep going to the next line
        _,score = line.split(' : ') # split the line into its components
        if int(score) > highestScore: # if this score is better,
            highestScore = int(score) # replace the best score
print("The highest score is %d" % highestScore)