Octobercms 验证关系用户

Octobercms validation relation user


public $belongsTo = [
    'user' => [
        'key' => 'user_id',
        'order'      => 'name asc'


label: Usuários
   form: $/rainlab/user/models/user/fields.yaml
   toolbarButtons: create|link
  showSearch: true
  showCheckBoxes: true
  recordsPerPage: 10
  list: $/rainlab/user/models/user/columns.yaml
  form: $/rainlab/user/models/user/fields.yaml

我正在 user 字段上进行验证,但它不起作用,即使我已经 selected 用户它继续通知我需要 select用户

 * @var array Validation rules
public $rules = [
    'user' => 'required'

是的,I can Understand your problem。这只会在您要添加新记录时发生。

它将完美地用于 existing record。至于 existing record 数据是 persisted in database 所以我们可以表示一个工作记录然后我们可以在上面触发 relational validation

但是对于new record没有ID意味着记录it self没有保存在数据库中所以有将与那个关系字段没有关系所以我们永远不知道这个字段是否附加了一些值并且验证将一直失败。

所以无论你添加多少记录,它都会显示 ERROR each time "please select user"。

October CMS 使用differ binding 你可以看到你可以在不保存当前记录的情况下添加用户。因为该数据存储在中间 table 所以在创建记录后 relation data will be transferred to created record 因为现在它有 it's own ID and persisted in database.

so for solution you need add validation manually inside that model, with differed binding scope.


中删除字段 user
 * @var array Validation rules
public $rules = [
    'user' => 'required' <-- Remove this 

现在我们会manual validation

Add this code to your model

public function beforeValidate() {

    // we need to check record is created or not
    if($this->id == NULL) {

        // CREATE CASE

        // we need to use differ binding scope as this record is not saved yet.
        if($this->user()->withDeferred(post('_session_key'))->count() == 0) {
            throw new \ValidationException(['user' => 'We need User !']);
    else {

        // UPDATE CASE

        // now record is created so we dont need differ binding
        if($this->user()->count() == 0) {
            throw new \ValidationException(['user' => 'We need User !']);

现在验证可以用于 both case,您可以为 different cases 添加不同的验证。

