是否有 jackson 注释来抑制不必要的 JSON 换行?

Is there a jackson annotation to suppress unnecessary wrapping of JSON?


public class LogsDTO {

    /** The logs. */
    private List<LogDTO> logs;

    /** Meta data. */
    private Meta meta = new Meta();

    // more



我希望我的 JSON 看起来像:




@JsonRootName:class 注释用于指示用于根值的 "wrapper" 条目的名称,如果启用了根包装。



当调查 source code of @JsonRootName,

他们评论了 alwaysWrap 方法。

/* * Optional marker property that can be defined as true to force * wrapping of root element, regardless of whether globally * "root wrapping" is enabled or not. *

* Note that value of false is taken to mean "use defaults", * and will not block use of wrapper if use is indicated by global features. * * @since 2.4 public boolean alwaysWrap() default false; */

他们计划在 v2.5 上激活它

As of 2.4, one missing feature is property "alwaysWrap", which is hoped * to be added in 2.5, and would be used to force root name wrapping * for individual types.

使用 Map<String, Object> 类型的地图。这个不是很好的解决方案不使用注释。我只想展示其他可能性如何避免 json 包装:

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();

    List<LogDTO> logs = new ArrayList<LogDTO>();
    logs.add(new LogDTO(1, true));
    logs.add(new LogDTO(2, false));
    logs.add(new LogDTO(3, true));

    map.put("logs", logs);
    map.put("meta", new Meta(33));

    Gson gson   = new GsonBuilder().create();
    String json = gson.toJson(map);
    LogsDTO dto = gson.fromJson(json, LogsDTO.class);





LogsDTO [logs=[Log [id=1, archived=true], Log [id=2, archived=false], Log [id=3, archived=true]], meta=Meta [id=33]]

我使用自定义序列化器解决了这个问题,关闭了全局包装,然后根据 class 打开了包装。似乎即使您关闭全局包装,Jackson 也会为具有包装的 class 的列表元素添加包装。 与您的代码的一个区别是,对我来说,该列表由其自己的 class 包装。 事情是这样的:

    @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_OBJECT)  // wrapping per class instead of global in the mapper
    public class InterfaceDTO
        private InterfaceIpListDTO interfaceIpListDTO; // The list property for which I want to turn off wrapping

        @JsonSerialize(using = com.tufin.securetrack.integration.rest.facade.serializer.InterfaceIPListWithoutWrapperNameSerializer.class)  // Gonen
        public InterfaceIpListDTO getInterfaceIpListDTO() {
            return interfaceIpListDTO;

public class InterfaceIPListWithoutWrapperNameSerializer extends JsonSerializer<InterfaceIpListDTO>{
    public void serialize(InterfaceIpListDTO interfaceIpListDTO, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException {
        for (InterfaceIpDTO interfaceIpDTO : interfaceIpListDTO.getInterfaceIpDTOs()) {