如何使用 cuda DevicePtr 作为加速数组

how to use a cuda DevicePtr as an accelerate Array

我正在尝试使用 cuda DevicePtr (which is called a CUdeviceptr in CUDA-land) returned from foreign code as an accelerate Array with accelerate-llvm-ptx


import Data.Array.Accelerate
       (Acc, Array, DIM1, Z(Z), (:.)((:.)), use)
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate as Acc
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Data
       (GArrayData(AD_Float), unsafeIndexArrayData)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Sugar
       (Array(Array), fromElt, toElt)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Unique
       (UniqueArray, newUniqueArray)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX (run)
import Foreign.C.Types (CULLong(CULLong))
import Foreign.CUDA.Driver (DevicePtr(DevicePtr))
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (newForeignPtr_)
import Foreign.Ptr (intPtrToPtr)

-- A foreign function that uses cuMemAlloc() and cuMemCpyHtoD() to
-- create data on the GPU.  The CUdeviceptr (initialized by cuMemAlloc)
-- is returned from this function.  It is a CULLong in Haskell.
-- The data on the GPU is just a list of the 10 floats
-- [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, ..., 8.0, 9.0]
foreign import ccall "mytest.h mytestcuda"
  cmyTestCuda :: IO CULLong

-- | Convert a 'CULLong' to a 'DevicePtr'.
-- A 'CULLong' is the type of a CUDA @CUdeviceptr@.  This function
-- converts a raw 'CULLong' into a proper 'DevicePtr' that can be
-- used with the cuda Haskell package.
cullongToDevicePtr :: CULLong -> DevicePtr a
cullongToDevicePtr = DevicePtr . intPtrToPtr . fromIntegral

-- | This function calls 'cmyTestCuda' to get the 'DevicePtr', and
-- wraps that up in an accelerate 'Array'.  It then uses this 'Array'
-- in an accelerate computation.
accelerateWithDataFromC :: IO ()
accelerateWithDataFromC = do
  res <- cmyTestCuda
  let DevicePtr ptrToXs = cullongToDevicePtr res
  foreignPtrToXs <- newForeignPtr_ ptrToXs
  uniqueArrayXs <- newUniqueArray foreignPtrToXs :: IO (UniqueArray Float)
  let arrayDataXs = AD_Float uniqueArrayXs :: GArrayData UniqueArray Float
  let shape = Z :. 10 :: DIM1
      xs = Array (fromElt shape) arrayDataXs :: Array DIM1 Float
      ys = Acc.fromList shape [0,2..18] :: Array DIM1 Float
      usedXs = use xs :: Acc (Array DIM1 Float)
      usedYs = use ys :: Acc (Array DIM1 Float)
      computation = Acc.zipWith (+) usedXs usedYs
      zs = run computation
  putStrLn $ "zs: " <> show z


zs: Vector (Z :. 10) [0.0,3.0,6.0,9.0,12.0,15.0,18.0,21.0,24.0,27.0]

但是,通过阅读 accelerate 和 accelerate-llvm-ptx 源代码,似乎 不应该这样工作。

在大多数情况下,加速Array似乎携带一个指向主机内存中数组数据的指针,而Unique value to uniquely identify the Array. When performing Acc计算,加速会将数组数据从主机内存加载到GPU中根据需要存储内存,并使用 Unique.

索引的 HashMap 对其进行跟踪

在上面的代码中,我直接使用指向 GPU 数据的指针创建了一个 Array。这似乎不应该工作,但它似乎在上面的代码中工作。

但是,有些东西不起作用。例如,尝试打印 xs(我的 Array 带有指向 GPU 数据的指针)失败并出现段错误。这是有道理的,因为 ArrayShow 实例只是尝试 peek 来自 HOST 指针的数据。这失败了,因为它不是主机指针,而是 GPU 指针:

-- Trying to print xs causes a segfault.
putStrLn $ "xs: " <> show xs

有没有合适的方法获取 CUDA DevicePtr 并直接将其用作加速器 Array


这里的一个问题是设备内存与执行上下文隐式关联;一个上下文中的指针在不同的上下文中无效,即使在同一 GPU 上也是如此(除非您在这些上下文之间明确启用对等内存访问)。


  1. 以Accelerate理解的方式导入国外数据;和
  2. 确保后续的 Accelerate 计算是在可以访问此内存的上下文中执行的。


这是我们将用于在 GPU 上生成数据的 C 代码:

#include <cuda.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

CUdeviceptr generate_gpu_data()
  CUresult    status = CUDA_SUCCESS;
  CUdeviceptr d_arr;

  const int N = 32;
  float h_arr[N];

  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    h_arr[i] = (float)i;

  status = cuMemAlloc(&d_arr, N*sizeof(float));
  if (CUDA_SUCCESS != status) {
    fprintf(stderr, "cuMemAlloc failed (%d)\n", status);

  status = cuMemcpyHtoD(d_arr, (void*) h_arr, N*sizeof(float));
  if (CUDA_SUCCESS != status) {
    fprintf(stderr, "cuMemcpyHtoD failed (%d)\n", status);

  return d_arr;

以及使用它的 Haskell/Accelerate 代码:

{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

import Data.Array.Accelerate                                        as A
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Sugar                            as Sugar
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Data                             as AD
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Remote.LRU                       as LRU

import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX                               as PTX
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX.Foreign                       as PTX

import Foreign.CUDA.Driver                                          as CUDA

import Text.Printf

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- Initialise CUDA and create an execution context. From this we also create
  -- the context that our Accelerate programs will run in.
  CUDA.initialise []
  dev <- CUDA.device 0
  ctx <- CUDA.create dev []
  ptx <- PTX.createTargetFromContext ctx

  -- When created, a context becomes the active context, so when we call the
  -- foreign function this is the context that it will be executed within.
  fp  <- c_generate_gpu_data

  -- To import this data into Accelerate, we need both the host-side array
  -- (typically the only thing we see) and then associate this with the existing
  -- device memory (rather than allocating new device memory automatically).
  -- Note that you are still responsible for freeing the device-side data when
  -- you no longer need it.
  arr@(Array _ ad) <- Sugar.allocateArray (Z :. 32) :: IO (Vector Float)
  LRU.insertUnmanaged (ptxMemoryTable ptx) ad fp

  -- NOTE: there seems to be a bug where we haven't recorded that the host-side
  -- data is dirty, and thus needs to be filled in with values from the GPU _if_
  -- those are required on the host. At this point we have the information
  -- necessary to do the transfer ourselves, but I guess this should really be
  -- fixed...
  -- CUDA.peekArray 32 fp (AD.ptrsOfArrayData ad)

  -- An alternative workaround to the above is this no-op computation (this
  -- consumes no additional host or device memory, and executes no kernels).
  -- If you never need the values on the host, you could ignore this step.
  let arr' = PTX.runWith ptx (use arr)

  -- We can now use the array as in a regular Accelerate computation. The only
  -- restriction is that we need to `run*With`, so that we are running in the
  -- context of the foreign memory.
  let r = PTX.runWith ptx $ A.fold (+) 0 (use arr')

  printf "array is: %s\n" (show arr')
  printf "sum is:   %s\n" (show r)

  -- Free the foreign memory (again, it is not managed by Accelerate)
  CUDA.free fp

foreign import ccall unsafe "generate_gpu_data"
  c_generate_gpu_data :: IO (DevicePtr Float)