
How to remove words of a sentence by using a dictionary as reference


with open(pathDoc+'/WordsDictionary.txt', 'r+', encoding="utf8") as inf:
wordsDictionary = eval(inf.read())

保存的格式是这样的:{'word1':'tag1', 'word2':'tag2'}

当给出一个句子时,我想删除属于某个标签集的单词。 (只是在 stop words removal in nltk 中所做的,但这是针对 nltk 工具包不支持的语言)。示例如下。

 wordsDictionary = {'word1':'tag1', 'word2':'tag2', 'word3':'tag3'}
    Sentence = "word1 word2 word3 word2 word1"
# I want to remove words that belong to 'tag2' type
FinalSentence = "word1 word3 word1"

如何生成 FinalSentence


您可以将键值对对调,这样单词字典就是标签字典。然后使用 tag2 作为键来获取值 word2

def reverse(words):
    return {v: k for k, v in words.items()}

tags = reverse(wordsDictionary)  #  {'tag1': 'word1', 'tag2': 'word2', 'tag3': 'word3'}

将值 word2 替换为空字符串,tags.get('tag2') 为您提供值 word2

Sentence.replace(tags.get('tag2'), '')

@haifzhan 的解决方案将帮助您了解每个标签一个词的用例。但是,如果每个标签需要多个单词,这里是另一种解决方案:

sentence = "word1 word2 word3 word2 word1 word4 word5 word1"
tags = {'tag1': ['word1'], 'tag2': ['word4', 'word2'], 'tag3': ['word3']} # Set a dictionary of lists based on tags

final_sentence = ' '.join([word for word in sentence.split() if word not in tags.get('tag2')])

# Output:
'word1 word3 word1 word5 word1'

如果你的话没有被 space 分隔,虽然你需要用不同的方式来处理这个问题,也许像这样:

for word in tags.get('tag2'):
    sentence = sentence.replace(word,'')