
Dependent types over datatypes


datatype days = sunday | monday | tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday | saturday

fn only_sunday{d:days | d == sunday}(d: days(d)): days(d) = d

当然,days(d) 从未被定义过。这似乎只是可行,因为 ATS 有很多内置类型 - intint(int),等等


typedef only_sunday = { d:days | d == sunday }

fn only_sunday(d: only_sunday): only_sunday = d

重温 Introduction to Programming in ATS 的依赖类型一章后,我意识到这是可行的:

datatype days(int) =
  | sunday(0)
  | monday(1)
  | tuesday(2)
  | wednesday(3)
  | thursday(4)
  | friday(5)
  | saturday(6)

fn print_days{n:int}(d: days(n)): void =
  print_string(case+ d of
    | sunday() => "sunday"
    | monday() => "monday"
    | tuesday() => "tuesday"
    | wednesday() => "wednesday"
    | thursday() => "thursday"
    | friday() => "friday"
    | saturday() => "saturday")
overload print with print_days

fn sunday_only{n:int | n == 0}(d: days(n)): days(n) = d

implement main0() =
  println!("this typechecks: ", sunday_only(sunday))

但是,当然,n == 0 意味着 "the day must be sunday" 比 d == sunday 这样的代码更不清楚。尽管将天数映射到数字似乎并不罕见,但请考虑:

datatype toppings(int) = lettuce(0) | swiss_cheese(1) | mushrooms(2) | ...

在这种情况下,数字是完全没有意义的,因此如果您手头有数据类型定义,您只能将任何 {n:int | n != 1} ... toppings(n) 代码理解为反瑞士奶酪。如果你要编辑一个新的浇头

datatype toppings(int) = lettuce(0) | tomatoes(1) | swiss_cheese(2) | ...

那么仅在任何瑞士奶酪代码中将 1 更新为 2 将是一项繁琐的工作。



stadef lettuce = 0
stadef swiss_cheese = 1
stadef mushrooms = 2

toppings(int) =
| lettuce(lettuce)
| swiss_cheese(swiss_cheese)
| mushrooms(mushrooms)